What would you do without Fluther?
In my short time here, I have felt very welcomed and enjoy having others to converse with. There are many questions which I could not ask without Fluther. Perhaps my Mother…… yikes.
So, what would you do with all your conflicts you wrestle with, without Fluther as your outlet?
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42 Answers
Yahoo! Answers, AskJeeves, Your mother, My mother.~
It is doable though, last winter i was (almost) never around on Fluther and i survived pretty well.
This is the first questions and answer site I use… but if I hadn’t anything else to do i’d find another ^^
I’d be a bitter young man…
I would find another site. That said, fluther is the best site of it’s type. Answerbag use to be great but we all know what happened to it. Yahoo answers sucks as it always has.
Read more books, probably.
I’d be just fine. I am 50 and found Fluther just a few months ago. I’ve always done OK without it so… and although I like it here and find lots of interesting people, topics, and answers, my inner strength to deal with situations and my own experiences through the years are ultimately my tools to figure out a lot in life. I’d hate to depend on Fluther for anything. I am very independent and don’t like to depend on anything or anyone. However, I’d probably also try to find a similar site just for fun.
Scour ebay until my brain became a warehouse for every pattern of particular china, crystal, blah blah. I fluther because I work horrendous hours and need human interaction above and beyond harping confused customers.
I would fall into a dark and lingering depression, cut myself off from the outside world and die a slow, agonizing death.
@rebbel : But we missed you!
I’d be way more productive and spend more time on the phone asking people odd questions.
Launch my rap career~
I still have reddit, cracked, youtube, redtube, project gutenberg, Wikipedia, sickipedia, tv tropes, minecraft, BBC, TED, ebay, Amazon, /mu/, craigslist (the free section is entertaining), imdb, rotten tomatoes, metal-archives, wired, yelp, rate my music, Ars Technica, and a few blogs. So I’m not at a total loss if I lose fluther.
As I always say when this question comes up, I would go back to making needlework gifts for charity fairs and auctions. I have already cut way back on my time here over the past few weeks.
I’d miss it, because I do enjoy it.
@eyemadreamer Hey! do you know something? Is it about to go pop?
I would do the same shit I do every day with longer naps in between.
Spend more time on either Reddit, tumblr, or last.fm dicking around there.
Without fluther I’d do nothing different.
I’m with @incendiary_dan. I’d read more. Fluther time comes mostly out of reading time, of which there isn’t much.
I’m probably stuck with other points-chasing QandA sites.
I’d survive, I’m an oldster too, and depend on myself for most of my own answers, from my own life experiences. I rarely ask for advice. I would miss the entertainment factor though, but, everything in life is of a fleeting nature. Adapt or die! lol
I’d have to find another way to stalk Vunessuh and Blueroses.
I mean, um, yeah, I’d be sad.
I’d also miss making @bob_ a sandwich…
Awww :)
@queenie Also, why oh why are you up at this hour, young lady?!?
I would learn to knit so I could put all this yarn I have collected here to good use.
I’d be fine. My inner struggles and woes and pains would find other outlets. So would any positive stuff that comes out of me, for that matter. But I guess for the now, Fluther does help in a lot of ways, ways in which make it hard to imagine I’d have to use other outlests for a few things. But I’d manage. Like Duncan McLeod, I’d keep on kicking ass some way or another, because I’m just that awesome.
I don’t need this damn site! Just don’t tell anyone on here. XD
take more pictures. go back to flickr.
I’d procrastinate elsewhere, but it wouldn’t be as fun.
Possibly die. You hear me Ben?! You hear me Andrew?!
@zen Shush my dear friend…they’re no longer with us. They are of the walking dead as of the now.
We must…go on.
@zen They bloody better, dem buggers.
Well, I’d be unemployed, and that would suck. I’d miss the people the most, though. I would cry. NOTE: Fluther isn’t going anywhere any time soon. :)
There are plenty of Q and A sites which I could join so, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I have experienced two Q and A sites that I regularly used close down (the original Bolt with it’s “tagbooks” and wis.dm). I was bummed when they shut down but I found other sites (I think I will always be a member of some Q and A site or another).
Don’t get me wrong, I really don’t want Fluther to close down as I thoroughly enjoy it here and it is the best Q and A site I have experienced but I don’t think it would be very healthy of me if I felt that I would have nothing if Fluther closed.
I’d spend more time on other favourite forums. I might even use Facebook more, heaven forbid!
I’d actually get some work done.
^^@erichw1504 would get more hats knitted for his critter.
I’d go find out for myself what opossums are all about.
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