Have you ever broken a noisy child's toy that made annoying sounds ?
which kind of toy was it ?
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No. But I dismantled my car key sensor because I could not STAND the alarm going off randomly, the truck popping open, and other extreme annoyances of the technology. lol
My sensor is SO sensitive that my keys just being in my pocket or purse and getting jostled around a bit caused all sorts of ‘false alarms’, including my trunk once popping open in the middle of a car wash and flooding my trunk!
Barely bumped my dangling keyring with my knee and the ‘trunk ajar,” alarm went off…oh yeah, it was AJAR all right! lol
So now I use my keys the old fashioned way, by hand, no more button pushing for me!
No but I suspect one of my parents did at some point to a teddybear that had a rubber squeaker inside it. He was discovered one afternoon with an ugly hippie patch on his backside to cover some pulled out fur and a previous small tear.
A small plastic harmonica once met with an unfortunate accident. Well, actually, three unfortunate accidents in a row. It was rather sturdy for such a cheap little toy.
I’ve never broken a noisy toy, but I’ve taken the batteries out of a couple and told the kids the batteries died and we were fresh out of new batteries. It worked when they were young.
Of course not. They do have on and off switches. I may forbid the kid to turn it on for a while, or tell the kid to take it in another room, but I’d never break a child’s toy deliberately.
Only once, and the child consented to it. It was a Lord of the Rings “Sting” sword, which made a loud clang every time it collided with something. Or was swung. Or if it felt like it.
It had no no place for batteries, it was one where it was only usable with the ones in it, where you remove a plastic tab to make it begin working. Every time the child moved in bed, even a little, the sword had something to say about it. It was getting him annoyed more than anyone.
Resolution? Attempting to slay the evil Rock Golem. (Big tall stone near house)
No, I just take the batteries out.
@YARNLADY : That presupposes that all annoying noisy toys have batteries. There were no batteries in the plastic harmonica. Or in whistles. Or in any number of other noisy toys.
@JilltheTooth Oh, that’s right. I would just give out that type of toy when they could play it outside, or in their room. The idea of giving a child a toy that I don’t like, or breaking it doesn’t work for me.
Does anyone know of/remember ” Pete, the repeat Parrot” toy?
My daughter had this battery operated Parrot when she was little, he would mimic your voice back to you.
When I was moving to my current house about 7 years ago I was moving boxes around in the garage. I was talking to my pets, telling the geese to ‘go out’ of the garage, when, all of a sudden, this VOICE is saying ” Go out, go out, go out NOW”..lol
I was so freaked out, I had no idea WHAT was going on. haha
Then, I opened a box and that damn toy parrot was staring at me. It was like a Twilight Zone moment. lol
It had been boxed in the garage for at LEAST 3 years and it still had the energizer moment going on.
I wasn’t losing my mind!
@JilltheTooth It that case, the damn thing gets LOST first chance it gets!!
@Coloma Oh, THAT’S hilarious!! Like the Amityville Horror!!
No. Noisy toys distract kids and that’s just fine with me.
I remember this book my son had, and I think it got wet or it got sat on..but it made noises, an annoying tune of a christmas song I believe. Well we were in bed one night and just hear it groaning in the next room. Nothing would stop it. My husband had to smash it repeatedly to break it.
My son had a remote control car that had a siren. One night, at about 2am, I was woken by the sound of this siren going off. It just decided to go off for no reason. I couldn’t turn it off and to get the batteries out, you had to unscrew the panel and I didn’t have a screwdriver so I pulled something out of the back of it and it never worked again… I was mummy popular pants ..NOT.
I had no qualms at all about stopping a horrid toy making a horrid noise. Why would I? I live there, too and no child needs noise. I disagree about just letting them play with it outside. I don’t want to hear that either. There don’t need to be loud, bad noises ever.
Broken might be a little harsh, butI have and would disable the noise-maker as harmlessly as possible.
No but I was sorely tempted by a “Tickle Me Elmo”!!! It was damn cute at first but when he kept going and going and going….well, I resorted to hiding him in the closet. Shhh, don’t tell anyone, Elmo is in the closet.
Elmo is coming out of the closet now, lol.
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