General Question

occ's avatar

Removing adhesive from bathing suit liner?

Asked by occ (4182points) May 29th, 2011

I bought a new bathing suit and it had that adhesive removeable pantyliner that women’s bathing suits often have. I removed it but it left a sticky residue. I tried washing the bathing suit – first by hand and then in the washing machine – but the stickiness is still there. I’d really like to wear my new bathing suit but am not sure how to get rid of that gunk without ruining the bathing suit (I try to avoid using harsh soaps or anything like that on bathing suits). Advice?

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7 Answers

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Try soaking the area with a few dollops of gel soap/detergent and leaving it to sit for about an hour. Take a smooth spoon edge and lightly scrape along the fabric to see if you can lift the gummy residue and soap gel together. Sometimes lotion works to make glue stuff lift and roll into little balls to wash away.

Cruiser's avatar

I use denatured alcohol at work for removing all sorts of resins I get on my nice clothes. I have never had it stain and does a great job.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Outside if the denatured alcohol have you tried a hand-held steamer? You might be able to get it to loosen its hold enough to roll it off. If you test to make sure it won’t stain you can soak it a few minutes in lemon oil rub off the gunk then launder the suit.

snowberry's avatar

If you use the lemon oil, be sure to wash it by hand, then line dry. Lemon oil is flammable, as I recall, so don’t put the suit in the dryer.

JLeslie's avatar

I would return it.

Valerie58's avatar

Having had this problem, I used white vinegar on some kitchen roll and rub gently but firmly, the sticky stuff rolls and removes…brilliant!

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