Meta Question

Ladymia69's avatar

Is there a comprehensive, user-friendly way to search for old questions on Fluther?

Asked by Ladymia69 (6884points) May 29th, 2011

The search engine on Fluther is driving me batty. i am trying to find an old question, it went something like, “What would a cat Disneyland be like?” or, “What rides would there be at a cat theme park?” I looked for this question using the words “cat, theme, amusement, parks, disneyland, ride” and got 25,079 questions and answers that led me NOWHERE. Most of the things that turned up were questions and answers that had only one of my words in them, which is why the results were so damned massive and unhelpful. I am DESPERATE to find this question, and also think a better search engine is surely called for.

Doesn’t Fluther deserve it? :)

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14 Answers

everephebe's avatar

I googled it like this: Fluther What would a cat Disneyland be like? Also, asking “us” jellies is a good idea.

HungryGuy's avatar

One thing you can do is ask the question. If a similar question has been asked before, you’ll be told then. Otherwise, your question will be posted, so just wait for answers to pour in…

MilkyWay's avatar

@everephebe is the Googling guru lol!
@HungryGuy is the genius.

Ladymia69's avatar

Thanks, peeps! But the question remains…do you guys think a Google-powered search engine would be awesome on Fluther? Or would it be a conflict of interest? :/

everephebe's avatar

I dunno, I mean I just checked for it on fluther like so, and it was third one down. And I used your “What would a cat Disneyland be like?” in the search. It’s really all about how you pose the question.

Your problem may have been the piecemeal approach, “cat, theme, amusement, parks, disneyland, ride”

marinelife's avatar

@everephebe has the way of it. Use Google search. The search engine here is actually much better than it used to be, but it’s still not great.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I agree with those above. Google is sadly the best way to search fluther. As Marinelife said it used to be REALLY REALLY bad and has improved much but its still nothing compared to the almighty google.

anartist's avatar

treat it like a google search with keywords, commas, and remembered phrases in quotes.
Better yet, skip the fluther search engine and google it.

oops, I am redundant. Apologies to above.

augustlan's avatar

We actually used to have a google powered search engine. It sucked way more than what we have now, imperfect as it is.

jrpowell's avatar

@augustlan :: The odd thing is the one here differed a lot from the actual Google site. The “Powered By Google” logo didn’t help. I would search for the same thing and get different results.

I’m not slagging on anyone. Search is really hard. Cam did a great job with what is here now. But it is still better to just use Google.

augustlan's avatar

Yeah, our old “powered by Google” search was nowhere near as good as actual Google. I can usually find what I’m looking for using our search box now, but if I can’t I go Google, too.

Ladymia69's avatar

Thanks, y’all! Don’t know why i didn’t think of looking for it through google…maybe i am suffering from malnutrition of the brain??

MilkyWay's avatar

@Ladymia69 Did you have some chocolate, chocolate? ;) Gives you a sugar boost.

Ladymia69's avatar

No, but gonna go do that right now!

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