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john65pennington's avatar

Which grilled cheese sandwich is better? one made in a cast iron skillet or one cooked in a microwave oven?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) May 29th, 2011

I use to swear by grilled cheese sandwiches made in a cast iron skillet. This was the only way my mother prepared them. Then came the microwave oven and changed everything, except how my mother continued to prepare a grilled cheese sandwich, the old-fashioned way. I have tried both and they just about taste the same. The cast iron version seems to have a little more taste, compared to the version cooked in a microwave oven. Qustion: please give your version of a grilled cheese sandwich and why do you choose your version of preparing one?

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26 Answers

laureth's avatar

I use just a regular frying pan, neither cast iron nor a microwave.

I don’t even understand how you would do it in a microwave. For ma, a grilled cheese is all about the delicately crisp, buttery outer goodness! Without that, wouldn’t you just be melting a cheese slice between two pieces of soggy bread?

bkcunningham's avatar

How do you prepare a grilled cheese in a micowave? When I prepare a grilled cheese, I always toast my bread first. I put butter in my frying pan and butter on the top slice of bread. I use Gruyère and provolone and sometimes peppers. Yummie.

chyna's avatar

Nothing, IMHO is better in a microwave.

rock4ever's avatar

Cast iron is better. It chars it more and I love it!

janbb's avatar

I agree – how would you make grilled cheese in a microwave?

WasCy's avatar

The quesadilla is better, since grilled cheese sandwiches don’t have enough salsa. And they’re made with American cheese, which is “processed pasteurized American cheese food”, whatever that is. Quesadillas with extra sharp cheddar; that’s the way to go.

InTheZone's avatar

Cast Iron. I am not a fan of microwaves, but even if I was, no way would I prefer a microwaved grilled cheese sandwich

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@WasCy The only requirements for it being a grilled cheese sandwich is that there be both bread and cheese, and you grill them. I almost never make grilled cheese with American cheese, usually it’s more like a mix of cheddar, gruyere, and a hint of gorganzola with a bit of horseradish thrown in.

I’m with @janbb – how would you grill a sandwich in the microwave? I’ve never even heard of doing it in the microwave…

jrpowell's avatar

I was really wasted one night and wanted a grilled cheese. There wasn’t any clean pans so I tried it in the microwave. I toasted the bread in the toaster then assembled the sandwich and nuked it. It was effing disgusting.

rock4ever's avatar

@johnpowell I did that once. Except I warmed the cheese by itself in the microwave and spread it on the bread.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve never heard of doing it in a microwave, but I can’t imagine it could be any good at all. Ick. Growing up, my mom or I made them in a regular old skillet (maybe non-stick). My husband introduced me to the joys of cast iron pans, and I have to say… it makes a huge difference with things like grilled cheese. So good. I’m a convert.

rooeytoo's avatar

I am not fond of them in the microwave, the bread always turns into something like chewing gum.

I make mine in my George Foreman Griller! You don’t have to butter the outside and it still gets toasty brown and wonderful. If you add sliced tomato, some garlic salt, oregano and chili flakes, it is like a mini pizza. I also like them in pita instead of bread, not as fattening, hehehe!

Bellatrix's avatar

The skillet, you want the crispy bits. The microwave would make it soggy wouldn’t it? And I don’t know, but cheese doesn’t seem to taste the same after being in a microwave.

Prosb's avatar

The best one I’ve ever had was in this two halved metal saucer looking thing, where when you close it, it cuts off the crusts, and forms a new one inside. It’s apparently made for use when camping, so you can stick it in the fire to grill it. It also has a locking mechanism, so that there’s no chance of accidentally opening it early, resulting in flaming sandwich. You can however just put it on the stove to use it, and it turns out awesome. A crunchy shell on the outside, and sealed cheesy goodness inside.

Oh almost forgot. I’d prefer skillet to microwave. I like my bread extra crispy, and I don’t get the same melt factor from microwaving either.

Prosb's avatar

Oh, just looked it up. It’s called a fire pie iron, or just pie iron. The one I’m thinking of is a round model. Tempted to order one now . . .

knitfroggy's avatar

I make mine in a regular skillet, I don’t have a cast iron skillet, though I wish I did. I just butter the bread and use regular cheese slices. If I’m in a hurry, I put the bread in the toaster, butter one side after it pops up and make a cheese sandwich. It’s really good. I can’t imagine the microwave would be good at all.

augustlan's avatar

I see a few people saying they toast the bread first… I’ve never done that, as it gets toasty in the skillet. What is the advantage?

Cruiser's avatar

It’s the butter sizzlin in the cast iron skillet that makes a stove top grilled cheese to die for! Big ol fat dill pickle and an Iced tea and it’s Nirvana baby!!

bkcunningham's avatar

@augustlan, I toast the bread first so it gets crispy faster. I also toast my bread before I make French toast. (I suppose I picked it up from my Mom who had to cook for eight kids.)

BarnacleBill's avatar

Nonstick pan or open faced in the toaster oven. Toast the bread first, then add the cheese and toast again. English muffins with cheese are good this way. Never a microwave.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Seems to me a microwave would just melt the butter and cheese, but not toast the bread and it would come out all soggy…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Also, the extra flavor you speak of when grilling on the skillet is because the butter becomes caramelized. I learned that here, btw, when I asked why a piece of toast that is buttered and toasted in the oven tastes different than a piece of toast from the toaster, buttered after it pops up.

Schroedes13's avatar

Why is there the “sandwich maker” option? I love my grilled cheese straight from the sandwich maker!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@bkcunningham I never thought of toasting the bread for French toast…I’ll have to try that. RIGHT NOW!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I spread a small amount of olive oil on a hot electrical frying pan, and flip both sides to get the olive oil on the bread.

Then I add shredded cheddar cheese on top of both slices of bread; Until the bread is a crispy. Then I microwave on high for 15 seconds.

Let cool for a bit and enjoy.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Microwave would just make it soggy, not toasted.

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