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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can I uninstall the older versions of updates on my computer and just leave the most current one installed?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 30th, 2011

I’m cleaning house, trying to get faster response time on my computer. I’m showing like a gazzillion “security updates for windows internet Explorer…” and I don’t use Explorer. I also have 20 gazzillion Windows XP Hotfixs. I don’t know what they are. I wish someone could take a look at all the crap I have installed and tell me what I can safely uninstall….

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10 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I think so, but don’t ask me how. I have my computer tech guy make house calls for all of my technical ignorance. lol He updates things once or twice a year, and does, whatever he does, to keep things running smoothly.

It might be worth $70—$80 to have the pro-geek intervene. ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah…just got to get it there. I just tried to uninstall a Security Update for Windows XP that said it was installed 8 13 09. And there are a million more after that, sometimes 2 or 3 a day. But when I went to unistall it I got a message that said, basically, “Uninstalling this MIGHT leave you totally fubared. But maybe not.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

I never thought of a house call! Coloma, I love your goose!

Coloma's avatar


Yes, just let your fingers do the walking, there are lots of computer geek services that make house calls. I love my guy, he’s got a great sense of humor, we end up talking for an extra hour no charge. haha

Dutchess_III's avatar

WHERE DID LIGHTLY SEARED GO????? I wanted to see what his answer was! Sniff.

@Coloma Um huh. What does your goose think about THAT?

koanhead's avatar

Doesn’t Disk Cleanup remove those files for you?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I guess we’ll find out @koanhead! Running it now.

koanhead's avatar

Please let me know how it turns out. I don’t have Windows on my computers and the documentation I looked at didn’t say for sure- and I’m curious to know.

_zen_'s avatar

@Dutchess_III gets extra lurve for verbing fubar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@koanhead…. I don’t remember now! We just got from 5 days of primitive camping. I had to relearn how to flush a toilet, much less remember computer stuff…I think I couldn’t get it to run. I don’t remember….

@zen I got lurve for saying “druthers” once too!

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