Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What are some of the most annoying or ugly yard ornaments you've seen?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) May 30th, 2011

A few houses around town have one of those archways set at the foot of the walkway up to their front door. But….they don’t have any fences or trees or anything else around the house. They don’t even have any climbing vines planted to climb up the arch way. There is just this bare, scrolled metal archway set in a bare yard that you can walk around if you want. It just seems silly. To me, they’re supposed to present a lovely entrance to a lovely place, like a garden, and they’re the only way in or out. I don’t know why people do stuff like that!

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6 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

I’ll take a hundred random useless archways in exchange for one of those huge hideous inflated plastic snowmen, which are ugly enough and annoying enough for just a few weeks at Christmastime to fill my endurance quota for the entire year.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m with you on that one @Jeruba! Utter, total TACK!!

InTheZone's avatar

Pink Flamingos!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ya! And cow skulls!

Coloma's avatar

Some neighbors are Bigfoot enthusiasts, they have a giant Bigfoot ape in their courtyard. It is so stupid! lol

Whatever floats your boat.

I am not a yard ornament type at all, I like my zen garden and have some modern metal sculpture hanging on my patio, but, no lawn ornaments.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Coloma My only lawn ornaments are trees!

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