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blueberry_kid's avatar

Trying to get a smaller tummy, tips?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) May 30th, 2011

I have no abs what-so-ever. I have a flubby tummy, and really am willing to do anything. Any ideas?

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7 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

Hope I don’t sound like I’m marketing but the South Beach diet plan always works for me. Just add plenty of exercise and you’re good.

SavoirFaire's avatar

To add to @mazingerz88‘s response, do targeted exercises. There’s a list of effective ones here. I personally find that planks work very well for me. Depending on what you have available to work with, you can come up with different routines. Don’t just do one think over and over again.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Leg lifts/kicks.
Take a chair and stand with it to your left, resting your left hand across the top for some support if you wobble. Tighten your stomach muscles and lift your right leg out in front of you waist level if you can. Hold it there and then lower it down. Now lift your right leg towards waist level again but this time out at a right angle, hold it and lower it down. Lastly, kick back in order to stretch a bit and the bring your leg back to standing position.Do a series of these and then switch to standing beside with the chair on your right so you can do the lifts/kicks with your left leg.

Along with the legwork, doing pushups of any sort will strengthen and tighten your core. If you’re after cut looking abs though, you’ll have to burn away fat layer so the muscles below can be show more prominently.

athenasgriffin's avatar

Pilates. It works amazingly for me when I am trying to get ready for swimsuit season.
Take a class or if you don’t want to spend all that money, or if you are shy, buy a video.
Gaiam’s Pilates Abs Workout is one that works particurly well for me, but it is not an easy workout, to say the least.
If you like a more high energy workout, I love kickboxing and belly dancing workouts too. Also, if you are more inclined toward sexy workouts, their are some pole dancing workouts that are hilarious to do with a group of friends.

Afos22's avatar

Burn more calories than you ingest.

gememers's avatar

stop eating bread

GracieT's avatar

Unfortunately @gememers is right. I unfortunately love simple carbs, and if you look at me, you can tell. I’m not huge, but I’m fighting (and losing!) the battle of the bulge.

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