My mom's birthday is in July, what should I get her?
I love my mom to death. We have so many fun times, and too many fights. She yells, but is the greatest mom alive. Although I ask for things and she says no, I accept and still love her. She travels alot, and I kind of wanted to get her something related to that somehow.
I always ask her what she wants for her birthday and she always says sothing. I know she wants something. For Christmas I got her a Shake Wieght. For Mother’s Day I made her bed in breakfast and gave her a coupon holder (she’s a fanatic.) She loves them both, but only uses the Shake Wieght occasionaly.
My idea was to get her a charm for her Pandora Bracelet, or a subscription to Curves. I only have about $100, and both of my ideas are expensive. Any good ideas?
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8 Answers
Have a professional picture made of the two of you together. That will be something that when you are older, you both will be happy you have.
How about giving her a decorative box or bowl that contains slips of paper describing why you appreciate her? Mention fond memories of interactions that the two of you have had, like her teaching you how to do a particular task or from vacations.
Do they have any places in your town that offer a fancy “afternoon tea”? Many of the bigger hotels, and some actual tea stores offer this. That’s where you get dressed up all fancy and they of course serve tea, and usually fancy sanwiches and pastries.
Or how about taking her out to lunch (someplace cute and charming and not too expensive like a cafe) and then go to the movies.
Or how about fixing a picnic and just the two of you spending the day at a local park, or take a drive to the mountains or the beach.
Or if you are the crafty type, you could put together a scrapbook of your lives together from your childhood up until now.
Or maybe you could rent bicycles at the beach or even go rollerblading.
Or how about this book called All About Me that is a really neat question and answer book for you and your mom to fill out alone or together, that will basically become her history. It asks all sorts of questions (that you may or may not even think about) that prompts you to learn more about one’s own self (in this case your mom) and it is a great keepsake for you and your future children. Some of the questions are pretty provacative, but most of them are pretty straight forward, like where was your first home when you were born and how long did you live there. Stuff like that. She can answer any and all of the questions at her own pace.
If she likes to be pampered, get her a certificate for a massage or mani/pedi. It always works for my mum.
Most people who travel frequently don’t want to go out once they are home. How about creating a gift basket designed for a soak in the tub? In addition to the standard lotions, gels, etc., include a book in the genre of her preference, a candle, and a CD of the music that she likes. Just do an internet search for bath gift baskets, and you should be able to get some great ideas.
Select something she will still remember and value, one, five and eveb ten years from now. Cost is no a key factor.
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