How often do you think of a question to ask on Fluther, only to forget it by the time you can Fluther?
Asked by
tedibear (
May 30th, 2011
About once or twice a week, I think of a question that I want to ask here. By the time I get home and on Fluther, it has flitted out of my head! Because I’m so busy at work, I don’t really have time to write it down when it comes to me. Sometimes I’ll hear something on the radio during my drive home and think, “That could be a great Fluther discussion.” By the time I get home, Poof! it’s gone.
Please jellies, tell me I’m not alone in my forgetfulness! :D
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21 Answers
This happens occasionally. More often than not, I either work through the answer on my own or realize that an internet search will result in a reasonable answer.
What’s scary is constantly taking questions that come to mind and then spending additional time crafting how to word it for a Fluther post when the answer is somewhat obvious.
No, you’re not alone. That happens to me sometimes. Being a writer, I often get my best ideas in the middle of the night, or at work when I can’t write them down. I try to jot quick notes at those times.
Even this very question is an example of it…, i had it in my mind for days.
Some times but that is why a note book or the voice memo fuction of my phone comes into play.
Yes, it happens to me sometimes. At other times I jot a question down then later it doesn’t seem so good after all so I just leave it.
That’s also why I desperately want to buy a device that can scan handwriting on paper and convert it to computer text.
@HungryGuy – Here you go
@Pied_Pfeffer – I have done that, too. I think I have a great question, start to write it out and realize, “Duh! There’s the answer right there!”
I f I knew, I would have asked them by now.
@tedibear – That’s awesome! But I need it to convert my writing to computer text, not convert it to speech.
You are not alone. All day, every day, I have really great questions (I think), but I forget them by the time I sit down to the computer. My attention span sucks. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! :p
@HungryGuy – I think it does that, too. I thought that one of the things you could do with it is write and then it would convert to text. Though I believe it requires specific paper. I haven’t looked at the website since Christmas time.
If I think of a question and I“m not at the computer or I’ve used all my questions for the day, then forget it. That question will not make it to prime time.
It seems I do my best thinking as I drift off to sleep and when I’m driving so many questions are gone before I sit down at my computer.
For me this has rarely been a problem.
All the time. Most frequently, questions come to me while I’m driving my car. I never remember them. :(
If a question is important to me, I remember it.
Never, I sit down at my PC & let the shit flow, nomaddawot the consequences!
Spontaneity is my middle name.
Freakin’ every day! I hate that!
Oh boy! Are you ever not alone. I’ll think of a question and it’s gone when I finally get to the computer. It’s embarrassing to admit it to myself. But I save the blushing for when I do something embarrassing in front of people. I don’t waste blushing on myself.
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