Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

What possession of yours are you most proud of?

Asked by MilkyWay (13914points) May 30th, 2011

Is there an item you possess that you are extremely proud of or value a lot? I’d love to know.
Thanks jellies, you’re the best.

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46 Answers

rock4ever's avatar

The only object that has sentimental value to me and that I value a lot is a photo of my brother, my dad, my step mom, and me.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I have a small engraved sailing trophy that I won when I was 15. It was a very hard competition, and I know seasoned mariners that couldn’t have won it. Mostly because it involved knowing a lot of bizarre esoteric things. I’m still proud of myself for winning that! It made my Dad really proud, too, that still means a lot.

HungryGuy's avatar

All the BDSM gear (dungeon furniture and leather gear) that I built myself—> My Toys

MilkyWay's avatar

@rock4ever You’re lovely, know that?
@JilltheTooth :D Cool!
@HungryGuy Chuckle ;)

tedibear's avatar

I have my mom’s china. I love those dishes. They’re still open stock and I have added pieces over the years. (It’s called Franciscan Desert Rose if you want to do a google image search. You said you were bored earlier, so I’m trying to keep you busy!)

TexasDude's avatar

Either my Mauser C96, my copy of Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands (which is worth about two grand), or my German postcard from World War One Here’s the front

MilkyWay's avatar

@tedibear Haha, thanks ;)
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard When I have my History exams next year, I am so gonna kidnap you to help me.

TexasDude's avatar

I’d be more than happy to help you study.

mazingerz88's avatar

My private yacht. Ha, I wish! Great question though. : )

zenvelo's avatar

I have a numbered Picasso lithograph I bought when I was 19.

And my grandfather, who was a master cabinetmaker, made me a stand for my stamp collection when I was 16 and he was 83. I’ve kept that close for forty years.

Prosb's avatar

My Uncle Dave gave me the magnifying glass he used while he worked at airport security in JFK. It’s small, and folds up into itself in a reflective housing. I wear it on a necklace, and everyone asked why I always have a whistle around my neck. After I explained, they had a big “Ohhhhhhh” then ask why I always have a magnifying glass around my neck.

KateTheGreat's avatar

My Dragunov. My sweet, sweet Dragunov.

jerv's avatar

My $300 Craigslist special Pirate Caaaaargh!

There are some other things I own that have a lot of sentimental value to me, but I just love “Bonny”. Yes, that’s it’s name. Whether it’s after Anne Bonny or Bonnie Dundee (a.k.a. “Bloody Clavers”) is intentionally vague.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

A few pieces of jewelry my mother owns that are left from when my ex husband and I had our design business. Any pieces that belonged to me have long since been sold but I can look at mom’s pieces and feel good.

TexasDude's avatar

@jerv holy christ that’s beyond awesome.

wundayatta's avatar

My trumpet and my flugelhorn mean the most to me. I’ve had my trumpet for more than 30 years. It has served me throughout my life and brought me much pleasure and meaning. The flugelhorn is a more recent addition, but its dark, mellow sound speaks strongly to my prevailing sense of reality. Without them, I would be a very different person.

MilkyWay's avatar

@zenvelo I can imagine how special that must be to you.
@Prosb Chuckle
@KatetheGreat Lol! You’re the woman with da gun ;)
@jerv Sweet ride :)
@Neizvestnaya I know what you mean, I have some of my gran’s jewellery I love.
@wundayatta Aah, musical intruments. Would you say you’re a good player?

KateTheGreat's avatar

@queenie I will also become the old lady with “da gun”.

wundayatta's avatar

@queenie I would never judge my own playing. I used to do that and it led me into a very dark corner of hell. You’ll have to ask others what they think of my playing. And since no one here has ever heard anything, you are SOL. Sorry.

MilkyWay's avatar

That’s okay @wundayatta. I’ll just ask the orange tree… ;)
@KatetheGreat Lol! Not for a good few years yet!

Axemusica's avatar

I’m not sure if it’s pride that makes me feel this way, but if you even so much as look at one of my guitars funny and I’ll harm you.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Axemusica Lmfao! I’m lookin :P
No, seriously. I get what you mean.

Axemusica's avatar

Ahem well “funny” is a bit vague. with intend is better. @queenie :P

MilkyWay's avatar

Well then, no need to worry @Axemusica. I’m not gonna nick your guitar anytime soon.
Wish I could play one : /

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

My 1972 Guild guitar, my collection of photographs and my education.

TexasDude's avatar

Oh yeah, how could I leave out my guitar? That’s the only picture I have of it at the moment, unfortunately.

Coloma's avatar

Well, not really a ‘possession’, but…my 13 year old Chinese Gander ‘Marwyn.’
I rescued him as a tiny, 2 week old gosling and he and I are very bonded. We adore each other. Cross species love affair for sure! haha

Materially speaking, I love my collection of ethnic drums, Djembes, Burkina Faso Bendres, Congas, Celtics and Navahos.

I am also very fond of my 9×11 vintage Odabashian wool persian rug.
The pile is about 3 inches thick and it is heaven to lie on.
Cats think so too.
It sheds like a real sheep, or twenty and is a beautiful array of india reds, cremes, beige, with a circular creme center with leaves and roses and a baby blue star. :-)

tinyfaery's avatar

Nothing that I would cry over if I somehow lost it. I have some rare DMB concert posters that I’d miss. Mostly, I’m proud of my music collection. I’ll never finish importing CDs and I buy new music all the time. I don’t think I’ll live long enough to listen to it all.

Only138's avatar

My switchblade, my 2 stilettos, my 9mm and my Harrison Ford/Sean Connery autograph.

ragingloli's avatar

The pile of dead hookers in my cellar.
really, I have no possession I am proud of.

athenasgriffin's avatar

This is going to sound a little bit egotistic, but my hair is my most prized possession.

Only138's avatar

@ragingloli Dead hookers. HAW HAW. Great answer! Cheers!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@athenasgriffin The hair on your scalp, I presume?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My big ol’ Chevy Suburban named Bertha, because she’s pretty and she’s paid off.

Also (even though I’m more HIS possession than he is mine), my huge, fluffy, Long-Haired Tuxedo kitty named Chewbacca, because he’s slightly psycho in a cute, funny way and because I don’t care who ya are, he’s the most gorgeous cat EVER!!! :P

woodcutter's avatar

Probably my dog. And my gun collection in particular the all matching #‘s 8mm Serb Mauser that has been fired exactly 40 times, my me.

gondwanalon's avatar

My 2-door 55 Chevy 210 sedan. I’ve own it for 33 years. I drive it only on nice warm Summer days. I love the mellow roar of the twin glass-packs when I hit the gas and I’m suddenly 17 again and all is well in the world.

AshLeigh's avatar

My suspenders. ;)
My Elmo pillow.
My Batman shirt, and Batman boxers.(:
And… My Superman costume. ^_^

Cruiser's avatar

My Mom’s sense of humor! ;)

mazingerz88's avatar

My collection of movie statues and figures and toys!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

A ring purchased on eBay that was commissioned by architect Frank Lloyd Wright for his wife. It is a ghastly huge Australian opal, the ring barely fits on a pinkie finger, and it weighs a ton. The only reason I’m proud of it is that it is worth 3x more than what I paid for it. Other than that, it’s only good for a laugh when seeing peoples’ expressions the first time they see it.

ecstaticpancakes's avatar

I’m not proud of them, but I would cry if someone took my snowboard or my canoe.

HungryGuy's avatar

@ragingloli – I prefer to keep mine alive. They’re no fun dead…

ragingloli's avatar

Unless you are into that sort of thing…

MilkyWay's avatar

Thanks guys! ;)

koanhead's avatar

I don’t have any particular pride in any of my possessions. The ones I value the most are:
First, this computer I’m using, which was a birthday present from @jerv (thanks man!) and which I’ve mercilessly hot-rodded since;
Next, my classical guitar which was a Christmas present from an old, dear friend who is now deceased;
and finally, the table on which my keyboard and monitors rest, an item hand-built by my stepfather, who is a master carpenter, an expert mechanic, and a professional programmer – along with being one of my heroes.

And, I guess, my face. It isn’t much, but it’s all I have by which to remember my real father.

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