If an 8 yr. old child does this one time out of curiosity that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s an arsonist (or a firebug).
And since the consequences of this time were so serious it should deter him in the future if he’s a normal child. But if he ever plays around with fire again, even in a milder way, that indicates a fascination with fire itself rather that just imitation or curiosity.
Then you would have a SERIOUS PROBLEM on your hands so be alert in the future.
I was a third grade teacher (8 yr. olds) and they do some really stupid things because they don’t have enough life experience to predict the consequences of their actions.
That’s what parents are for. I think the call to the Fire dept for advice is a good idea. He really needs to understand that this could really kill people and has.
This time it was property damage to a car. Had he done this in the house, he could have caused serious injury or death to his parents or siblings. If he’s a normal child this info should keep him from further fascination with fire.
He should definitely receive a strong enough punishment to make this memorable for him.
But in adition to just the punishment, there really needs to be ongoing communication to foster critical thinking.
At this age kids watch all types of violence on all types of media but most of it is still pretty unreal to them. They’re only beginning to comprehend death and it’s finality and few of them have ever dealt with life disabling injury unless a close friend or family member has suffered a tragedy.
I mean, some of them still believe in Santa Claus still so reality isn’t necessarily that sharply focused yet. Some of them are still fascinated by a Birthday party magician. They’re not old enough to be hard boiled cynics like most middle schoolers. It’s one of the qualities I found so delightful about this age group :)
Both parents need to take every reasonable action to ground him in reality regarding a lot of what’s portrayed in media because it rarely shows consequences. In little kids minds it’s not that dissimilar to cartoon violence.
There are even worse YT clips showing kids jumping off of roofs, mattress surfing and all variety of dangerous stunts which just show the cool looking stuff.
There aren’t any clips of the painful debilitating ER visits and teens in wheelchairs.
If it were my child, I wouldn’t allow him Internet access privately in his room. His computer would henceforth be in the family room.
And he wouldn’t get computer access until I installed a background safety program which would track every single page he visits and every video he watches. I would want to know what influences are impinging upon my child’s mind.
During the period he’s off the computer, both parents should go through his browsers history files. If you don’t know how, LEARN. I guarantee it will be an eye opener.
But I wouldn’t necessarily punish him for what you find. Just learn from it and use it for future dialogue with him about it.
Yes kids do need discipline, especially when they know they’ve done wrong. But what they need most is accurate information and guidance in good decision making. This is an ongoing process.
At this age they simply don’t know enough about how the world really works so they’re going to make plenty of mistakes. Hopefully you can head off the mistakes with the most serious and irreversible consequences.
Hopefully this will serve as a wakeup call and by the time he reaches his teens he will look down his nose at the other kids stupid enough to go jumping off of roofs on a dare.
He will know that he doesn’t want to risk a lifetime of paralysis for a dimwit stunt. His patents will have inculcated him with enough critical thinking skills and independence of mind to view stupid YT crap with the derision it deserves. He’ll know that he doesn’t need to follow the crowd.
You can turn this stupid impulsive act of his around to educate him.
You might also want to consider a prearranged visit with a Dr. whose good at dealing with kids in a tour of a burn unit where he might develop some compassion for those whose lives have been devastated by fire.
If he’s a normal kid (and chances are he most likely is) seeing the tangible effects of fire will cure his fascination with it as fun. He’ll see that it is a powerful force not to be treated lightly. That doesn’t get portrayed in the YT clips, does it?
But if he were my kid i would still install a computer tracking program for the future. You never know what he will investigate in the future. I’d prefer to know sooner than later.
I wouldn’t necessarily tell him about it until absolutely necessary tho. One of the main things it will do is prevent him from erasing the history files when he figures out how to do that :)
I guarantee that as he gets older you’ll be glad you did.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.