Heritage is important insofar as it helps you understand who you are. For some people, it is very important and it provides a very strong sense of identity. Children of Jews who survived the holocaust feel defined by their parents’ experience in many ways. It is a kind of heroism through which they see the world.
Many other people can tell other stories about their people and this helps they figure out who they are. But in the United States, it gets problematic, and your case is a prime example of that. You don’t have ancestors from any one particular place. They are from all kinds of places. You have many peoples. You have oppressed peoples (Indian and Black) and oppressor people.
The question is what should we do with our heritages when we have so many? And how do they inform our sense of self. For me, it’s kind of strange the way it works. I didn’t know that my mommom was Jewish until I was 20. My ancestors came from Central Europe and were Ashkenazic Jews. Since I knew nothing about Judaism, this meant little to me.
Then it turned out I was unable to father children naturally. I had a cystic fibrosis gene that caused me not to grow a vas deferens, making it impossible for me to deliver sperm. How is this related to being of Jewish ancestry? Well, it seems that the genetic mutation that I have and that causes cystic fibrosis appears much more often in Ashkenazic Jews. My people, I guess. Giving me such a cool gift. Thank God for modern technology.
On the other side, I am from New England, and my people, even if they were from the Netherlands as well as England, took on the Puritan ethic long ago. Some of my ancestors came over to the US in the 1600s.
Does any of this help me know who I am? I think the Puritanism helps explain a lot of my instinctive attitudes about sex and human touch. I love it so much and I can’t allow myself to have it. I’ve always chosen partners who either aren’t into sex or are into sex but aren’t available. But growing up in a very liberal town during the Vietnam war is, to me, a better explanation of where my political attitudes come from.
My Jewish heritage means something, but I don’t know really how much it means. Jews are supposed to value education. I value education. Is that the Jewish part of me? But wait. the Puritans also valued education. My father is well educated.
In the end, I think heritage is a story we tell ourselves when it is useful to help us understand ourselves. We take the stories from the past that resonate with us and use them to lay a foundation for our own stories. These stories are very important to people, but they are also somewhat arbitrary. We are all so much more than our heritage.