Social Question

English slang, Englishisms, phrases and idioms have been discussed here over and over since day one - nonetheless, come across any new (local, global) slang euphemism lately?
I love perusing – with it’s over 5,000,000 slang terms since since its inception in 1999. I love guessing which words will become standard, Oxford English – and which will die a slow death, keeling over and dropping into the dustbins of fad and Englishtrend.
Meatox, google harder and I’m good are on today’s front page.
Meatox – just that – detoxing from eating meat. Google harder, as in, if you couldn’t find it the first time – google harder. And the rejection of and ridicule for an offered good or service by feigning satiation. When “No Thank You” just won’t do. “I’m good” does the trick.
Would you care to venture which word/phrase will enter the offical English language and which shall perish – and check back here in 5 years or so?
I’m betting anything with tox will exist – as detox is a word and it makes perfect sense. Remember, the latest words which entered the language have been txtspk, like LOL and FYI. Shorter is better, according to OED.
“I’m good” also does the trick for me. What’s up – meaning how are you – found its way into English – and what does “up” have anything to do with it. I’m good looks like the perfect, slightly sarcastic answer in the appropriate situation. Sort of a kinder, gentler cousin to the (originally New York) greeting: Have a nice day, asshole.
Google harder. Google anything – for that matter. The almighty google, love it or hate it, is here to stay. It became a verb faster than you could say search, and children learn to use it without even knowing it’s just a search engine. So my bet is Google harder, and pretty much anything with google, will become standard ASAP.
So what do you think?
Oh, and if you’ve read this far – thanks. The original question was – have you come across any interesting slang lately?