Would you kill?
Asked by
jaiyan (
May 31st, 2011
If someone killed a member of your family, went to trial then got off despite the evidence would you kill them?
We were talking about a case where this guy had killed two people (at different times), in the past but there hadn’t been enough evidence for a conviction. He then killed a man and there was a witness this time, she was put into witness protection before the trial.
He went to court, the mother of the man he killed was there watching. He got off. She left very quickly and was waiting outside to talk to him. She later said she wanted to see his eyes. She said she could see his distaste for her as a person. She shot him.
So we got talking, if someone murdered your loved one, if they were going to kill again and ruin other people’s lives, could you do nothing? Could you wait for years for that person to be caught, when in that time they could kill, and ruin someone’s family – someone’s friend’s lives?
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24 Answers
I am not sure I would do it even in self defence.
Is it worth that much to kill someone (even a maniac) and be arrested after that? We have law and whoever violate it will be punished. Although I could kill for money…
In immediate defense of my wife and/or daughter (say we get attacked) – yes.
In your example – probably no as I’d likely have my wits about me and not operating on instinct (as in my first example).
I have empathy for the mother in this case. I would have a difficult time judging her for her action, lawful or not. Myself, I wouldn’t hesitate to use lethal force against somebody threatening my life or the life of another… at the time it was happening.
I’m not sure if I would be able to do the same in revenge or in a premeditated fashion.
I already have a hard time cutting flowers.
I could see myself pulling a “New Jack City” on someone.
In the movie – Nino Brown single handedly flooded the streets with drugs and avoids conviction. An old man who was watching his community turn to shit because of the drugs shoots Nino Brown as he comes out of the courtroom.
I would go “Law Abiding Citizen” ape shit on their ass.
After the maiming, yes. And I’d get away with it.
I found that having children quickly turned on my reptilian brain, leaving me cooking up some very violent thoughts any threats to my family. So long, mr. pacifist guy.
Answer: I don’t know. Maybe. who am I kidding?
Erm. It sucks when justice fails, especially when it seems to function under something other than what it defines itself as. In this given scenario, revenge, I believe, would get me nowhere. Neither would taking justice into my own hands. Of course, nobody’s ever murdered anyone I love, so I can’t place myself in the shoes of that woman. :/
Oh yeah. Hurt my family and I could definitely take someones life. I would have to plan it out real carefully so I don’t go to jail forever for eliminating a piece of shit from society.
It depends. Dead is forever. I shoot a lot of IDPA targets http://www.warrentactical.com/targets.htm at pistol matches. It’s what I look for there. It, or they, will be what my mind’s eye sees while doing combat. It’s just cardboard so I’m not going to worry about dropping someone who asks for it in the heat of the moment. They who hesitate get 2nd place. I don’t think I could bust a cap on an unarmed person.
Without a moment’s hesitation.
I don’t know what I’d do. It would depend.
However, I feel that ideally the injured party or family should have a right to decide punishment, in cases of murder, rape and torture. If I were making a justice system, that’d be a part of it.
On the other hand, I’m generally against the death penalty, and I think the system should be certain someone is guilty before punishing someone, especially when the punishment is severe.
I think the first duty is to minimize false convictions. The second duty is to avoid letting people off when we know they’re guilty, except in the case where a plea bargain is for a crime that didn’t greatly harm someone, but makes a difference in a case where someone was greatly harmed.
I tend to think that when someone gets away with murder, and it’s known, that if the victim’s family kills the murderer, it’s justifiable homicide. The system should try to prevent such homicide, but I can’t blame (or punish in good conscience) a close family member for avenging the unpunished murder of a loved one.
In defence of myself and family, yes. In cold blood no. Society has created a justice system to deal with criminals for the main reason that trials should be fair. Even though I abhor the death penalty, the system of justice which leads to an execution means that it is not one person who puts someone to death but a whole justice system. But I believe we cannot say that it is wrong to kill in cold blood then go right ahead and do exactly that. Life imprisonment till they die is fair and just, but killing them isn’t imho
I am sure I would want to but would figure I wouldn’t be as lucky as the guy who got off so I wouldn’t.
I am amazed though at the judicial system that often lets the bad guys run free. A year or so ago a teen aged girl in Sydney actually went to jail for graffiti, defacing a building. It was her first offense. Granted it wasn’t for too long a period of time, but nonetheless… In the meantime rapists, murderers, etc. get off on a technicality or because they had a disadvantaged childhood. Makes you wonder!
@rooeytoo The poor are statistically more likely to be charged more heavily on even flimsier evidence. I’ve studied a lot about the phenomenon, but I’ve never heard of anyone getting off because they “had a disadvantaged childhood”.
the guy would just disappear… know what I’m sayin’?
@incendiary_dan – are rapists and murderers more likely to be poor? Cuz they are the crimes that I refer to. I don’t know the economic background of the girl, but to put a graffitist in jail seems crazy to me. I would have given her a scrubbing brush and made her wash it and a bunch of others work off the wall. But this is all a different subject.
I apologize @jaiyan
I think I could, not that I am sure I would, but I can’t tell you how. I would not do it the way she done it. I am sure the way I would do it they would never connect the dots and only he will suffer so there will be no bomb that could injure the innocent.
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Bottom line, tragedy happens, and it is never ‘personal.’
As painful as certain life situations can be, I think it wise to remember this, even in the midst of extreme grieving.
We ‘modern’ humans seem to think we should be exempt from the evils and suffering of the world. Really?
Sure, horrible things happen, but, I think it wise to keep in mind that all pain and suffering and injustice is universal, and letting ego take over and making everything personal is a recipe for even more pain and suffering.
Better to find a helpful alternative like John Walsh did when his son Adam was murdered.
Revenge simply lowers one to the level of the criminal.
2 wrongs never make a right.
@Coloma Justice is just a twisted silly passive form of vengeance that doesn’t even ensure that wrong are righted.
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