What's a really famous movie that everyone has seen except you?
Lots of super famous movies out there. No matter how good or bad, they have went down in the movie history.
Citizen Kane, Psycho, Titanic, The Exorcism, Terminator II, many others.
The question is, what is a very popular movie, known to all, that you haven’t seen?
I hadn’t seen Kill Bill until last weekend. I don’t even know why I kept going past it, especially as I love Quentin Tarantino and saw just about everything he’s made so far. I liked it, plenty of cool violence, classic revenge story which emulates old Japanese samurai movies. Very artsy too. Can’t wait to see part two.
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72 Answers
Rocky Horror…, nor do I really want to now that I’ve been told a gazillion times that I must.
Casa Blanca and The Big Lebowski
I didn’t see Rocky Horror until a few weeks ago. I loved it, then I got really upset when I realized that there are serious parallels between the Rocky Horror castle dwellers and my friend group.
LOTR, Titanic, Godfather, Bambi, to name just a few.
The Birds
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Dirty Harry
There’s a whole list of “famous” movies that I haven’t seen.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard That’s disturbing…
@rebbel I bloody hate Bambi. I wish he would die lol.
@WillWorkForChocolate Haha yeah, not all famous movies are ’‘famous’’ in the sense that, just because they are, doesn’t mean they’re good. I have a real hard time with my roomie about mainstream flicks, she pretty much gets pissed at me if I didn’t like the last awesome thing that came out…yet she has no problem bashing stuff I like. :/
@Symbeline what’s even more disturbing is that my friends decided that I would be the equivalent of Dr. Frankenfurter
Gladiator, Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, Men in Black, Iron Man, There Will Be Blood, The Hangover, The Bourne Conspiracy/Ultimatum, Dial M for Murder, Miracle on 34th Street, Citizen Kane, To Kill a Mockingbird, Any of the Batman movies except for the first one, any of the Scream movies, any of the Friday the 13th movies except for the first one, Bridge on the River Kwai, An Affair to Remember.
@obvek High five. Next time I’m in Texas, we’ll rent it.
I’ve never seen any of The-Man-With-No-Name trilogy, Bourne movies or Terminator movies. Or a lot of classics, like Ben-Hur, Ten Commandments, Bridge On the River Kwai, et cetera….
Pulp Fiction
Kill Bill
Citizen Kane
Gone with the Wind
It’s a Bitchin’ Life
Glad He Ate Her
@Symbeline I live in Rhode Island where Something About Mary was filmed so somehow when I tell people I have never seen the film I am looked at like I have five heads or something.
I liked Kill Bill until I was 12. I have a long ass list
Gone With the Wind
Citizen Kane
The Maltese Falcon
The Man with the Golden arm
The Last Emperor
The Godfather trilogy
Ben Hur
This is really exhausting…I’m super tired.
There are a lot. I only recently started becoming “interested” in movies…
Haven’t seen any of the Godfather movies. Haven’t seen Gone with the Wind, It’s a Wonderful Life, Casablanca, Jaws, Citizen Kane, Twilight, Scarface, Pulp Fiction, haven’t even seen any of the older Star Wars movies… (I saw Episode III in theaters and I watched episode II on DVD with a friend and I’ve seen bits and pieces of Episodes IV-VI, but I’ve never seen the full movies). I honestly haven’t been that interested.
I recently saw Kill Bill too and I liked it very much. I saw half of the second movie (it was on TV), but I haven’t seen all of it…
It’s not because I refuse to see any of these, I just haven’t had the time or haven’t been interested. But there are many movies on my “to see” list, including many of the ones I just mentioned.
Any of the Star Wars movies.
A lot of the older movies from the 70’s and prior. I was too young in the 70’s to see the movies that were popular. Dirty Harry, etc. I did not get to see.
Titanic, any of The Godfather series, any Back to the Future series, Rocky Horror, Dr. Strangelove, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, It’s a Wonderful Life, Platoon, Rocky, Ben-Hur and boatloads of others. I’m really not much of a movie person. I have seen Gone with the Wind though, which seems to be a popular missed movie.
The Godfather
Most of the old black and white movies.
@Kardamom damn woman, no Friday the Thirteenth? I totally love those. And no terminator for @ddude1116 ?
It’s really interesting to know what super famous films you all haven’t seen. As I read your lists, I see there are plenty that I missed out on, myself.
@DominicX I understand that. I miss out on a lot of stuff myself, due to lack of time, or disinterest. And when I do consecrate time to movies, it’s usually horror, so…tryna expand my horizons though, been watching a lot of different genres lately, famous and otherwise.
Any of the Harry Potter movies.
I’m not that interested in movies, so, hardly any most of my friends have seen.
I’ve not seen Titanic, Something About Mary or The Big Lewbowski.
@Symbeline I’ve never read the books, either. I’m completely in the dark on HP.
@Symbeline You should start another thread for us to list movies that we have seen, but wish we hadn’t.
I’ll start with Titanic. shudders
I haven’t seen any Disney 2-D films except Fantasia and Fantasia 2000.
@ANef_is_Enuf I too have never read any of the Potter books, but I finally agreed after many, many years to go see the movies, and that was _only because Alan Rickman is in them. But then again, I’d watch him blow his nose or thumb through the phone book.
Before I ever laid eyes on any of the Potter movies, I had looked at individual snippets on Youtube, that were _only_the scenes that Alan Rickman was in. So I had no idea what the plot was, I just wanted to gaze at Snapey-poo : – P
Yeah I bloody hate to admit it but…I love Titanic lmao. ’‘hides under a rock’’ Good idea for a question though.
I also never wanted to read any of the Potter books…but I was convinced last year to do so. I was told that if I could stick with the first four, lighter books, I’d enjoy the last darker, more political ones.
Turns out I think the first four books are awesome, and the last ones are a bit lesser. Funny how stuff works out lol.
Titanic and Pulp Fiction.
The Sound of Music.
Harry Potter
Every horror film ever made
I’ve never seen any of the famous slash and splash movies.
and most movies, I’m not much of a movie buff
Pulp Fiction is awesome. Quentin sure has a thing for katanas…even though they called the sword from Bitchslap a naginata.
I am a nerd. You think I don’t know what a naginata is? Those fiends.
@FutureMemory funny you should mention that, because I argued with them that I was more a Brad than a Frankenfurter. They adamantly disagreed.
@YARNLADY If you had to pick a favorite actor and actress, who would you pick?
I can still hear @noeleptc singing “My heart will go on”
shudders again
Almost all animated Disney classics are on this list. In fact, the only animated movies from them I have seen are Aristocats, the Lion King,Buetey and the Beast,and Aladin. Also, being a high schooler, everyone talks about the movie The Hangover. They say it’s hilarious, but it sounds pretty expicit to me. That’s why I rather focus on Disney:)
I just butchered the spelling of beutey?
@Kardamom I know, shame…but damn…all those people! Dying! I can’t help it. XD
…actually I just thought it was totally romantic lol.
@TheIntern55 Ah right, The Hangover. The trailers make it seem like it’s funny, but I just denno about that one…as a boozehound, I’d be curious to see it to see how realistic it is lol.
I like some Disney a lot, but some other is just yech. :/ Damn Bambi…
@FutureMemory the soundtrack was awesome. It was probably my favorite part, after all the phallic imagery.
Phallic imagery is always awesome.
Kay that’s too epic lol. I was just gonna show that dude with the cactus but everyone saw that already…
I have a lot of favorites, such as Paul Newman, Sean Connery, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Pierce Brosnan, Johnnie Depp, Jodie foster, Queen Latifah, Angela Lansbury, Natalie Wood
I watched most of the first Pirates of the Carribean movie, but haven’t seen any of the sequels.
@Symbeline I rented the first Terminator once, but fell asleep after he attacked those spiky haired dudes who tried to mug him after he showed up naked out of nowhere… That’s about five minutes into the movie, as I recall.. On a complete sidenote, have you seen Before Night Falls? Johnny Depp was in it briefly in one of those roles that manages to be totally awesome, completely bizarre, entirely serious, yet starkly funny. Only Johnny Depp could have played it like that, too, because he’s just awesome.
West Side Story, I just can’t stay interested, I’ve tried several times to watch it….
Saturday Night Fever (or Grease). Haven’t seen either of them.
Oh god, loads! Three off the top of my head would be…..
Gone With The Wind
It’s A Wonderful Life
The Godfather trilogy (never seen one all the way through.)
@Bellatrix Don’t even bother with Grease. I’d rather sit through Titanic again.
shudders one more time
I haven’t seen any of The Godfathers or any Star Wars.
@Kardamom I agree with you about Grease! I thought I was the only woman in the world to dislike that movie. I also dislike Dirty Dancing (I think that makes me a bloke!)
@Leanne1986 I too, did not like Dirty Dancing (although I thought Jennifer Gray was much cuter with her old nose) you can hardly recognize her now. She’d’ve made a good Yentl.
I’m one of the few people who didn’t like Pulp Fiction either. Actually, anything associated with Quentin Tarantino turns my stomach.
I finally saw Titanic the other day during a commercial free movie special on TV.
@YARNLADY Did you like it? Did it live up to its rep?
@filmfann I did enjoy it, but the hype?, not really.
@ddude1116 Haven’t seen it, no. But I believe you, there are a lot of roles that only Johnny could do.
The first Terminator is worth watching at least for the fuck you, asshole part in the hotel. XD
@Symbeline I want to see it, but I haven’t.. Damn, do I need a Netflix account…
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