Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If you are the star of your own TV show, what kind would it be and what's the title?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29377points) June 1st, 2011

A lot of people have their own favorite TV shows. They follow each episodes faithfully and make it a regular source of enjoyment on a day to day basis or sometimes just weekly. Be it a police drama or hospital or court TV show, cooking show or a sitcom or even a news program, we could sometimes see ourselves as a cast if not the lead in one of them TV programs. So what would be your own TV show and please, give it a title as well. Thanks. : )

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15 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

The title of my show would be “In Search of Vegetarian Food On My Way to Our National Parks.”

Me and a couple of my friends would travel across the U.S.A. in one of those deluxe motor homes, visiting and talking about our National Parks and seeking out awesome vegetarian delights along the way. Kind of like Triple D for the veg set.


I’d be in a family television drama entitled “The World According to Mr. Shiny Shoes”.

Prosb's avatar

The title would be, “Prosb and Lunch”.
It would be me, eating at various diners, bagels shops and ethnic food shops with celebrities, talking to them about everyday things.

Not one word of their “new movie” or “hit single”. Just simple things like, “When you go to a laundromat, don’t you think they should have a jukebox?” Or, “How do you prefer to cook? Frying? Baking? Steaming?”

Casual stuff, no strings attached, no rating, they can let rip with whatever they want to talk about. Like normal people. Because that’s what they are, normal people, who garner a lot of attention.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Incredibly Boring.

cockswain's avatar

I always thought I’d make a great Six Million Dollar Man. Or maybe B.A. Baracas.

cazzie's avatar

Firefly. You can’t take the sky from me. I’m a Browncoat and proud of it, so I’d be some sort of science/eco warrior in space, helping the settlers on different planets outside the Core that the Alliance treats so poorly. Me and Capt. Mal. (Sorry Inara… but he’s mine.) I have my character all sorted. Her father was terraforming biologist doctor who rebelled against the Alliance because he didn’t agree with what they were doing with the PAX. He knew it was wrong and foresaw problems. He spoke out against it and then had to run, taking his daughter with him and teaching her everything he knew in space, on the run. The Alliance Agent catches up with them and he get’s killed, but then she managed to surprise and kill the Agent and she gets away. I’m not sure yet how she meets Capt. Mal… but I guess that will be in episode 2.

Stinley's avatar

Liberty Librarian where I go around the world freeing prisoners who have been unjustly imprisoned for literary crime. Sort of Amnesty International meets the A team but instead of a van I have a mobile library. Somehow I use the books to help me, not quite sure how yet.

cazzie's avatar

@Stinley that is absolutely THE best reality TV show I can think of ever being made. I hope it DOES get made!

Stinley's avatar

@cazzie thank you. As a reward for your kind words, I have arranged for you to borrow books for free at your local library. No need to thank me. LL

FutureMemory's avatar

The Inside Scoop on Seducing Fluther Women

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Obsessed shopaholic

It would be about me shopping and giving girls and women advice on how to shop and not spend loads of money. Finding great deals and such. And helping them cure their obsession with a little shopping.

ucme's avatar

An action packed comedy adventure…’ll blow you away ;¬}

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wundayatta's avatar

It would be a Studs Terkel kind of thing. Random people would write in and asked to be interviewed by me.

Obviously, it would never make it past the elevator pitch. I’d be the star of nothing. However, that’s no worse than now. Thanks for asking.

Cruiser's avatar

It would be a cross between a Spike Jones and Wayne’s World show called Freak Out!

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