How do you believe other Jellies see your Fluther style?
Do you believe your Fluther style is to other Jellies as:
The lick to the face by a puppy;
A teddy bear hug;
Wrestling a pit bull;
Getting poked in the eye;
Floating in a warm bubble bath;
Swimming through a fluther of Irukandji;
Drifting down the river on an inner tube;
Or wild loop de loop rollercoaster ride?
I think I know how I come off, and the tentacles sting a lot… ;-)
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49 Answers
I’m not good at these self-assessment type questions. One of these days I’m just going to start polling other jellies regarding their opinion of me.
Like they see a turd floating by in a public pool.
Truthfully, at times I think some of them must go “oh god she is such a yawn”. Shrugs. Or perhaps at times “she is a bit odd or weird or a nut”. What sort of jelly would that make me? I suspect we all think such things of ourselves at times. How can we know how other people view us unless they tell us?
None of those choices listed.
Probably all of the above, at one time or another.
I don’t think I fit any of those, but how would I know?
I’ve never given it a moments thought.
I don’t fit any of those either but I agree with @ANef_is_Enuf, these questions are difficult to answer about yourself. I’m too much of a coward to do a poll of what people think of me though!
No idea. Ask the other jellies what they think of my writing style.
Semi-lovable hypocrite who is prone to a blond moment now and then.
@Blondesjon’s better half. ;)
‘Oh no. Not another one.’ Scroll down.
Off topic- I have no idea, but “drifting down the river on an innertube” sounds like the perfect thing for a gorgeous spring day like this. Last time I went to Richmond people were just hanging out in the James river. There were dads drinking beers and sitting in the shallow water, kids with little waterwings splashing around, and dogs running in the water. The river where I am is pretty dangerous, though. It’s more like, “hurtling through the rapids in a kayak.”
@wundayatta Aw, I look forward to your posts. They’re so thoughtful. :)
@Leanne1986 oh I wasn’t even remotely serious about actually doing it. I don’t have the nerve.
I think I’m seen as that Christian who doesn’t treat people like the typical Christian does. At least I hope I am a small voice of sanity amongst a Christian community that seems to have gotten off message as of late.
@Haleth I’m glad you read them. Others do, too, I suppose. But given the number of people who make the same point I do without referencing anything above, I have to assume they scroll down without looking at me… maybe not at anyone. We’re all chopped liver somewhere, I guess.
A lot of people probably have no opinion of me, seeing as I’m not around here much at all these days!
Apparently I’m often confused with Hypocrisy_Central. I don’t know wtf is up with that.
“When is this kid gonna shut up about The Shins and Smashing Pumpkins?”
No, but I really doubt that anyone has an opinion of me. I don’t really answer frequently enough to warrant getting an opinion.
Either obnoxious or adorable, depending on who you ask.
Of the ones that bother to PM me, the majority thank me for my answers and say how helpful they are, and a few don’t.
I figure that some people see me as a nasty infection that just won’t heal, but an interesting enough infection that people aren’t completely dismissive. You know like, how you have a bad wound, but it’s all cool looking and you like to poke it and sniff it and stuff.
Or am I the only who does that…
I know some others just see me as an infection on a fair maiden’s skin and completely avoid me. S’all good though yo, I mean, for being a wound.
wtf am i talking about
@Joker94 No way. You rock. You say interesting stuff and I love your laid back but never boring forum disposition. :)
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Obnoxious? Maybe a slight bit at times, but never anything bad. And anyways, if you can back it up, eh. Adorable? Totally! :D
Now post more phallic imagery! :D
I’m the ADD kid you see running by your house every 15mins because I’m circling the block chasing after stuff.
@wilma I don’t think I fit any of those, but how would I know? You can somewhat get a flavor by how easy they lurve, larva, or whatever you and the comments they make in reguard to you in the threads you answer or post; that would be where I would start. ;-)
@Symbeline Aw, thank you :D I love your posts, they’re always funny and insightful.
Former Crabby Patty, by now my uterus is back to normal. Just call me Patty.
“Jesus Christ. Would this bitch just shove her spatulas up her ass already and shut up?”
Make me one with everything.
@Judi I’ve definitely noticed you seem to be one of the “good” Christians ;)
@futureMemory; I didn’t think someone I only knew on the intranet could bring a tear to my eye. Thanks. I’m humbled.
Flippant and abrasive and a thief.
Really, I have no idea.
^^You’re fun, to the point and a smart cookie. I love reading your stuff.
They’d love for me to shut up sometimes
No such luck! :P
@Facade ; You’re the fluther fashon diva :-)
a) A radical idealogue
b) A brilliant intellectual
c) An extremely silly man
All have some truth to them.
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@zen I would say more like wrestling a pit bull on a rollercoaster; but don’t take wrestling a pit pull as being bad all the time, I have met many lovable pitts;-}
@FutureMemory I can see that. We had our general agreements, both falling in the anarchist millieu. But him being an industrialist and me being more primitivist, we had our conflicts. Guess I’m the resident anarchist, now.
I LOVE all of the above ^.
So there.
@queenie I knew you would. We should pair up and fight crime.
@Jude I thank thee. :)
@Vunessuh You are prescient! I was just thinking those exact words, just last Thursday.
I do have to say I was a bit discomfited to find you had loaned out those spatulas to your neighbor.
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