NSFW (possibly) What is smegma?
I thought it was a very specific term that referred only to uncircumcised males. I guess I’m wrong or the definition has changed.
What is smegma?
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46 Answers
I thought it was a name ..someone posted in this thread. Lol I had no idea it actually meant something.
I think I just became less innocent…
@PluckyDog This is why it’s a bad idea to give someone that name.
It is the film that forms under the foreskin or head of the penis, and occasionally around the clitoris and folds of the vagina.
It’s like ear cheese…. just more personal.
It also forms on the foreheads of Klingons. True story.
@PluckyDog me too. So that’s two deposits on my knickers now
Let me see if I have this right. Regardless of gender, there are now pants containing pee and smegma?
I really thought it was only a male thing.
We’re all losing our innocence here ;D
It’s a proper medical term, though probably not used much since it produces an involuntary snigger from most people when they hear it.
It’s genital cheese and that’s all I need to know.
I learned what it was as a kid after I saw a Monty Python sketch, How Not to Be Seen, using it as someone’s name, and so looked up the word. To my 8-year-old surprise, it was a real word!
“In this picture we cannot see Mrs. B.J. Smegma of 13, The Cresent, Belmont. Mrs Smegma, will you stand up please?”
To the right of the area Mrs Smegma stands up. A gunshot rings out, and Mrs. Smegma leaps into the air, and falls to the ground dead.
It was also much used, in its shortened form, on the popular BBC sci-fi show Red Dwarf as a sweary word
Dave Lister: “Oh smeg! What the smeg’s he smegging done? He’s smegging killed me! ”
Well, I’ve learned something new, today. No matter that it was something I never wanted to know!
Yeah, like @Stinley I first heard it from Red Dwarf. Smeghead was basically an insult, may as well have been nobhead, works just as well.
So those Klingons with poor hygiene were possibly the original smegheads
Nice thread to come across before my Dr visit.
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It’s never too early for a smegma party. C’mon, get dressed up!
Curds and whey, kids. Curds and whey.
Junk cheese
I have to stop following this Q! Ewww
I too know the term through red dwarf… lister rocks…I never knew it.meant the above..aren’t there smeg fridges???
Good news! My Dr says my schmegma is clearing nicely. Next we can start working on my fromunda cheese. (It was always spelled that way in college)
Oh dear God. I wake up to a convo about dick cheese… For once in my life, I don’t know what to say.
So many brave jellies out there! XD
Is it anything like a schmegegge?
@Kardamom I probably shouldn’t ask, but what’s a schmegegge?
@Adirondackwannabe Shmegegge is a Yiddish word that loosely translates to being a tool or a jerk, or someone who’s full of baloney.
Yes, children The Nanny does teach us many things. : – )
I’ve learned a lot of geat Yiddish words from that show and a lot about Jewish history and culture.
@Kardamom I would think the 2 words would be related. Sounds like they’d have to be… you can’t have baloney without cheese.
ok, I started this and now I want to vomit.
I was just hoping it wasn’t the female version of schmegma.
Ewwww…. :(
That’s all I have to say…
All hail the invention of the “vomit face” :<{{{{{
Smegma can morph into crusties which is a sad thing.
This is what smeghead is from? I always thought it was an insult short for smelly egg head (at least that’s what I pictured when hearing it). But, then, I’ve never heard of smegma until today.
I am forever tainted by this thread.
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I would like to read this whole thread but I think I weeweed in my pants half way through it.
So how many days go by without scrubbin the bits before a smegma rears it’s ugly….head?
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