Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

What would you do or say if someone totally random came up to you on the street and said "I love you" ?

Asked by MilkyWay (14100points) June 2nd, 2011

It can be a man, or woman that says it, but what would your reaction be? Will you ignore, swear, laugh? Please let me know! :)
Thanks folks.

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73 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m sure I would laugh and thank the person and then rush off down the street.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Say I love you too. Everybody needs a little now and then.

christine215's avatar

I would probably say “I love you too” unless they got all grabby then I’d call a cop

GladysMensch's avatar

“Take it someplace else, hippie”.

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’d look them straight in the eye and say “I just peed a little.” and walk off.

Cruiser's avatar

As long as they kept their distance…with one hand on the taser just in case, I would offer an I love you back!

JLeslie's avatar

I would walk away probably. Fgure the person is mentally ill.

erichw1504's avatar

I would start crying and say, “Nobody’s ever loved me!!! Thank you!”

YoKoolAid's avatar

I would ask how much they’ve had to drink

WasCy's avatar

Check my wallet.

HollyF's avatar

I’d just say “Love you too man” and keep on walking

tranquilsea's avatar

I would give them a quizzical look and say, “Interesting. Thank you.” and then walk away.

ragingloli's avatar

“Great! Let’s have steamy rough SEX!”

etignotasanimum's avatar

I would blush, giggle a little and thank him/her. I would say something in return since I’d feel that a return compliment would be needed. Then I would edge away slowly until I was far enough away that I would feel safe turn my back on him/her.

Allie's avatar

Give them a hug.

rts486's avatar

I love you too.

ucme's avatar

I’d immediately help them back to their carer, who was obviously momentarily distracted.
If it was a man who said it, he’d have took a swift knee to the nuts out of general principle.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

Definitely I love you too. Hugs? and then we keep on the talk.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I’d reply back, “I love you too.”

Kardamom's avatar

Start singing, “If you like it then you shoulda put a ring on it, uh uh oh oh oh oh uh oh oh!”

Hibernate's avatar

I’d say I love him / her too… let’s get a drink to celebrate ^^

CaptainHarley's avatar


Hah! You would, you brat! : D

rebbel's avatar

“Yeah yeah…., love, schmove.”

zenvelo's avatar

From a woman, I’d laugh and ask, “do I get a kiss?”

From a guy I’d ask, “how about a hug?”

MilkyWay's avatar

Lmao! You guys are so funny, keep em comin guys! XD

etignotasanimum's avatar

Wait, I just thought of something else: I’d smile sweetly and say, aw thanks! And I’d also say, what’s cooking, good looking? Can I have your number? Unless the guy/girl is a creeper, in which case I’d just stick with my first answer.

jonsblond's avatar

This has happened to me once or twice. I giggled and told them they were sweet, then I kept walking.

stardust's avatar

Holllla! I love you too.

Haleth's avatar

That actually happened to me once! As I was getting off the metro, this sweet, grandmotherly lady came up to me and said that. Then she handed me a small book of bible verses. I said something like, “that’s very kind” and went on with my day.

downtide's avatar

I’d assume they’re three spanners short of a full toolbox, mumble “thanks” and hurry away.

erichw1504's avatar


WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Okay, seriously though, LOL. I’d probably say “Well, I love you too darlin’!” And give them a hug.

erichw1504's avatar

I’d say, “Cool, please attend my nekked pancake party tonight.”

etignotasanimum's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I choked on my drink when I read your first response. I’m not even joking.

MilkyWay's avatar

@etignotasanimum Yeah? Well I squirted milk outta my nose reading @ragingloli ‘s response.

blueberry_kid's avatar

@WasCy HAHAHA!!! I would so do the same. But I would also go “I love you too man.” Start fake crying, and give him a hug.

6rant6's avatar

“Could you loan me some money then?”

erichw1504's avatar

“That’s what your mom told me last night.”

Jude's avatar


flutherother's avatar

I would check them for signs of insanity and then move swiftly on.

wundayatta's avatar

Under the orange tree.

rock4ever's avatar

Um… k then. Do I happen to know you? (with a weird half smile thing and squinted eyes).

tinyfaery's avatar

I’d give them my “watcha talkin’ about, Willis” look and walk away.

Plucky's avatar

I would probably smile and giggle, then tell them “Thank you. I love you too.” ..And end with a friendly hug.

I’m not a hugger but, for some reason, I’d probably hug the person if it seemed safe to do so. :)

_zen_'s avatar

^ Same, minus the hug, plus walking away quickly. And minus the giggle.

YARNLADY's avatar

It depends on whether they seem menacing or not. If not, I’d probably say “Do I know you?”, or “What?”.

perspicacious's avatar

But, of course you do.

Brian1946's avatar

I’d say, “That’s way hot, Paris!”, and then I’d try to escape before she got any smegma on me.

laineybug's avatar

I’d probably blush and giggle a little, say “thanks, love you too.” and walk away as quickly as possible.

Berserker's avatar

That would be pretty cool. Sure beats ’‘give up your purse!’’ or ’‘ya gat dang FREAK!’’.

One time some weird dude with a leather coat and a big bushy blond beard and long hair bummed a smoke from me, and after that he’s all like, Jesus loves you. That was epic.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I’d smile, say, “Aw, gee, um, thanks,” and then look around for the people from Bellevue to come get them and take them back to hospital.

Only138's avatar

Hit them in the face with a pipe.

cookieman's avatar

I’d gently pat their seeing-eye-dog, say “thank you”, and keep walking.

Berserker's avatar

@Only138 You’re a fan of either; Grand Theft Auto, or Silent Hill. :D

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline Silent Hill. I love the sound the pipe makes when you hit the little demon babies. Hee hee.

Brian1946's avatar


“Silent Hill. I love the sound the pipe makes when you hit the little demon babies.”

Does the movie have demon babies? If it does, then I just might watch it.

Berserker's avatar

@Brian1946 It does, near the beginning. The first game has way more though…it’s a fantastic game. :)

@Only138 I love that fireman emergency hammer you get in the hospital. You know what’s funny? The first time I got that weapon, I was all like, it would be so cool if Harry used the pointy end to strike enemies with instead of the flat end…


Brian1946's avatar


Thanks. :-)

I’d definitely check the game out, if I wasn’t already possessed by the Dark Prince of Procrastination, and cursed with an arthritic thumb. ;-)

Only138's avatar

@Brian1946 If my memory serves…I believe it does…but no one hits them with pipes. :(

Only138's avatar

@Symbeline Heck yeah. that was a cool assed game.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah, in the movie, the babies don’t get pipe owned. But you can hit them with a pipe in the game lol. You should prolly just use the handgun if you’re on hard mode though, else they’ll fuck yup.

Only138's avatar

But… gotta try it…just once. the sound makes me laugh my worthless ass off. LOL

The_Inquisitor's avatar

Hmm.. to be honest, I’d probably give them a weird look, and say “okay..” and walk away.

linguaphile's avatar

Depends on how that person approaches me. If they had creepy eyes and grin, I’d run for the hills… If they had creepy eyes, a grin plus a vial of oil and a Bible, I’d run even faster away… if they were a grandparently type, a kid, a friendly happy face, I’d laugh and say, “I love you too!” If they were in Minnesota, I’d say, “You’re not from around here, are ya?” XD

erichw1504's avatar

I would marry them.

6rant6's avatar

“I get that a lot.”

incendiary_dan's avatar

“I know” and then get dropped into the carbonite freezing chamber.

Wait, wrong movie.

MilkyWay's avatar

I’m dead.
From laughing too much.

roxanna's avatar

aw that’s nice, thank you :)

erichw1504's avatar

“You must be the one!”

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