Social Question

ucme's avatar

As far as you're aware, do you ever talk to yourself?

Asked by ucme (50052points) June 2nd, 2011

I know I do, nothing demented or worthy of a giggle jacket fitting mind. No, just small mutterings said under my breath mostly. I find it happens more often when i’ve just been berated by the wife for some trivial thing. Funny thing is, she hears every bloody word I say & I get it in the neck twofold…harrrumph!! So, how about you?

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22 Answers

JilltheTooth's avatar

Often. I’ll rehearse conversations out loud when I want to make sure they sound right (grammar, syntax, sentence structure, etc) and I will also ramble on to myself about all sorts of stuff. Hey, some of my best wit comes out when I’m alone. I don’t want to waste it and I know I have an appreciative audience!

jonsblond's avatar

Let me go ask myself, hold on…......

Yep. I do.

etignotasanimum's avatar

It only happens when I’m stressed and have a long list of work to do. I’ll just recite the list of things that I need to do, a checklist of sorts, and then sort of give myself a pep talk. “Yeah, you can do this, no sweat!” “Aw, c’mon, you’re worried about this? It’s nothing!” That’s normal, right? :P

YoBob's avatar

Yep. Quite often actually…

MasterAir16's avatar

yeah, i always talk myself by using with my hands or thinking as talking myself.

shego's avatar

Yep, I talk to myself all the time.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Question is – do I ever stop talking to myself?

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Not out loud. Not really.

I do yell at myself, a lot. I even call myself by name when I’ve done something really stupid.

downtide's avatar

I do what @JilltheTooth does: rehearse conversations out loud. But not when anyone is around to hear me.

Haleth's avatar

Not particularly, but there’s always a disjointed stream-of-consciousness monologue going on in my head. If I wrote it all out I’d sound like a rabid squirrel on crack.

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, sometimes aloud.

TexasDude's avatar

Yep. I sing to myself as well.

MilkyWay's avatar

When I’m alone, yes. I talk, sing, hum, dance…

Jude's avatar

Honestly? When I am starting to stress about something (usually right before bed), a little voice pops into my head and says “Enough. Go to sleep. You can deal with it in the morning”.

Other times, when I am driving and I have a slowass person in front (going 30 in a 60). I usually say to myself (directed at them) “God damn, c*ck sucking, son of a whore. Move it!”. :)

Cruiser's avatar

Yes and I never believe a word he says!

ucme's avatar

Cheers folks, good stuff!

rock4ever's avatar

I think we all talk to ourselves. We just all don’t choose to talk to ourselves out loud.

Facade's avatar

All the time.

Berserker's avatar

Haha I do it all the time. Usually when I’m alone, say like if I’m playing video games, I converse with myself about what is going on in the game. Sometimes I use different voices to differentiate between the different ’‘people’’ talking to each other. I often talk to myself at work when I get way bored, although it’s really low. Would love to see a customer’s reaction if one heard me do this.

Russell_D_SpacePoet's avatar

All the time. Arguments sometimes. :)

GladysMensch's avatar

Constantly. I’m starting to catch myself doing it in front of strangers. My wife busts me about twice a week with “Who ya talking to?” I fear I’m getting worse.

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