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What is your Meyers-Briggs personality type (part deux)
MissAnthrope asked this question way back in 2009 but Fluther has changed a lot since then and gained a lot of new members, so I think it’s not unreasonable to ask this question again.
Every site that I have taken the test on has scored me as an ENFP. Since I’m still new to the whole Meyers-Briggs thing I never knew there was such a huge subculture that put a lot of stock into it I still don’t quite know what that entails, but I’m learning.
So Fluther, it’s time for you to take the test and post your results and whether you think they are accurate or not.
NOTE: By request of CPP, it’s important to note that the above link is just a personality test. It is not an official MBTI® instruments or tests. Myers-Briggs, MBTI, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are all trademarks of CPP, Inc.
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