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mazingerz88's avatar

Which is the best HDSLR camera to buy?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29393points) June 2nd, 2011

For the past 5 years I’ve been shooting videos with my Canon ZR85 mini-DV camcorder and transfer and edit the videos to iMovie 4. I would then burn it to DVD via iDVD. I ended up with a nice pile of home videos that would be fun to watch as years go by.

Presently, I would like to update by buying new equipment but I’m not sure whether to buy a dedicated HD camcorder or an HDSLR camera which records HD video and takes high quality still shots as well. Is it more practical to get an HDSLR at this point? And what is the best cam out there that works well with Macs since I prefer iMovie editing. I understand I would have to update my editing software as well.

The price range I have in mind is somewhere between $800 to $1000 but if you have better cams in mind though more expensive, please mention them as well just so to give me an idea. Thanks!

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5 Answers

mazingerz88's avatar

@Ltryptophan Thanks for that link. I was researching Nikon and Canon products and it’s nice to have another option. This Sony’s got a full frame sensor and that’s a plus indeed.

Luiveton's avatar

Nikon D3x.

Nikon F6:

Or just go to and choose yourself. They have cameras made for filming etc.
Bear in mind that nikon is the best brand of cameras in the world.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I worked on a couple of independent documentary film shoots last year, and the DPs used the Canon EOS 5D Mark II – but you’re gonna pay! They’re about US$2,800—$3,500, not including lens packages.

mazingerz88's avatar

@aprilsimnel Yes I’ve read good things about the EOS Mark II by Canon. I wish I could afford that unit right now.

@Luiveton Thanks I just checked out the Nikon website and it was great.

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