General Question

Anatelostaxus's avatar

What makes feces more solid?

Asked by Anatelostaxus (1428points) June 3rd, 2011

What could be added as a supplement to the daily diet to solidify faeces of both humans and dogs. Possibly a solution to also decrease the odour.

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11 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Perhaps you would be better off finding the cause of the loose stools, and then in treating that, you can have “more solid” movements.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Stool solidity is caused by the amount of water in the stool. The colon absorbs water as it passes through the bowel so stool enters as a liquid from the small bowel and by the time it comes out more solid. Stool is supposed to be about as solid as toothpaste. You can’t make the stool too solid or the colon won’t be able to move it and you’ll become constipated.

squirbel's avatar

Stool odor comes from the diet. If you eat more vegetables etc, and the dog eats as much grass as he wants, your stool will be less odor-ific. :P Try it.

And what @Lightlyseared said was right on the money.

flutherother's avatar

There is some good advice here. Foods like rice, dry toast, and bananas may help.

YARNLADY's avatar

For dogs, high quality food is digested better than food with fillers. Talk to your vet for the best information.

For people, lots of water and fresh vegetables.

Rarebear's avatar

Oh, I missed the dog part. It’s inhumane to feed matzoh to dogs. (In fact it’s inhumane to feed matzoh to people, but that’s something I have to deal with every Pesach).

laureth's avatar

There are water-soluble psyllium husk fiber supplements out there that do this job very well. Metamucil is a common brand, but your local “store brand” might be cheaper. I’m not sure if you’d want to give this to dogs, though, because their digestive system is not quite as sophisticated as ours are, so it might be hard to judge their dosage.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Fiber, fresh vegetables and bananas.

brb dinner

IzzyAndHerBeans's avatar

I agree with most people’s suggestions on here. But I’d say fiber is the key ingredient to your success. Try and combine fiber with water.

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