Could man survive without peanut butter?
Back when my wife and I married, in the mid 60s, we were as broke as broke could be. We had lots of love for each other, but that does not feed two hungry people. Things are so much better now. A huge jar of peanut butter kept us going from pay day to pay day. You might say it was our survival food. We had peanut butter on just about everything. Question: is there anyone’s kitchen that does not have peanut butter? And, is peanut butter considered the number one staple food for humans?
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38 Answers
Could tom_g survive without peanut butter? Probably not.
My favorite is unsalted natural creamy. Whole Foods’ 365 brand is my current addiction.
Could I? No way. I require peanut butter in my life.
Lots of people with nut allergies would disagree, I’m sure.
I can and do. I don’t want to die.
I’d say there are more than a few kitchens without Peanut Butter as there are a ton of kids out there with peanut allergies.
Peanut butter, alas, comes second. Ramen is my first and cheapest love.
Anyone ever had PB+pickle sandwich? So weird, but I couldn’t stop craving it for some reason . . .
I don’t really like peanut butter so no. I like fruit-based jam.
Yeah, I can get by without it. Pizza is a different story.
@erichw1504 There’s nothing that doesn’t go with bacon!
Has anyone or have you ever ordered peanut butter on a pizza?
Hmm, could peanut butter survive without man? : )
Peanut butter will give me kidney stones… even its deliciousness isn’t worth that. XD
Mariah, how is that possible? Never heard of this. jp
People with peanut allergies seem to do fine… so long as nobody else around them has peanut butter either. I find it sad that good old PB&J sandwiches are banned from many schools :(
Yes, but not without beans and rice.
John – peanut butter is loaded with a mineral called oxalate, which binds with calcium to form stones in people who are prone. I’m one of those lucky ones.
I don’t like peanut butter.
Allie was unfollowed by erichw1504
@Allie haha, funny thing is I need to follow you first, before I can unfollow you.
Funny thing about this question is when I first read the title I thought, “Guys are so gross.”
@erichw1504 Hahaha!!
The only answer I can think of is:
However my survival is in question as I currently do not have peanut butter. I am missing other important foodstuffs, but peanut butter is one of the most glaring absence. I think eggs are my staple.
@Allie I see what you did there.
Both mine and my partner’s emergency survival packs contain a jar of peanut butter.
I can’t remember when I last ate peanut butter.
Without peanut butter, there’d be no Reese’s or peanut butter sandwiches! The horror!! :-(
My husband hates peanut butter.
P.s. He doesn’t like apple pie, either.
Peanut Butter is one of my top comfort foods. I’d be more than sad without it.
I had peanut butter once as a kid, and once was enough for me to decide I didn’t like it, even though I love peanuts.
Aside from peanut butter in candy, I have had no peanut butter in my kitchens since before 1999. Before that I just don’t remember but I doubt I had it even then.
It would be hard for me. I eat at least a spoonful each day.
I go in panic mode when there is no peanut butter in the house. seriously This just happened the other day. I couldn’t believe we were completely out of the stuff. I’m known for scraping the sides of the jar clean. We do not waste the stuff. We usually have at least two jars in the pantry.
And none of you have had my famous peanut butter cookies. If you did, you’d be calling me for the recipe. ;)
I love peanut butter. Gotta be the JIF brand though. :) smooth, not crunchy.
@downtide I was just having this conversation with someone the other day. I adore peanut butter (smooth, of course) but I can’t stand actual peanuts. They have the same general taste, but I think peanuts taste horrendous!
@Only138 I wholeheartedly agree! :-)
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