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Can she blame him for avoiding sex, should he forgive her for the abortion?
An Iraq war vet comes home to his wife, the thought he would never walk again and be paralyzed from the waist down and unable to have kids (which he really, really wanted). He had a very good medical team and they saved his nerves so not only was he not stuck in a chair but also he was still able to have children. His wife confides she did not want to be a mother but thought since he was going to be stuck in a chair she would never have to think about it. As careful as they were while trying to navigate their feelings she becomes pregnant and is adamant about not having it in spite how much she knows he wants to be a dad. One afternoon she goes and has the little nipper sucked out. She tells her husband after she got home and he is livid. However, he did not walk out and leave her, he stops having sex with her. She discovers he is pleasuring himself to pornography, now she is livid. When she ask him why he says he can’t trust having sex with her because if for some reason she gets pregnant again he cannot take having her kill another one of his children so he will make sure she never has the chance again. Can she really blame him for thinking the way he does?
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