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ETpro's avatar

How can a mere bug harm a beer mug?

Asked by ETpro (34605points) June 4th, 2011

OK, so I really asked because I can’t resist Spoonerisms. Guilty. But play along a create a list of ways. No fair dreaming up fictitious glass eating bugs. Sticking to real members of the insect kingdom, how can a mere bug harm a beer mug? Extra points for any answer that incorporates a separate Spoonerism.

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15 Answers

gasman's avatar

“I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.”
a high White Horse souse

blueberry_kid's avatar

Not sure what Spoonerisms are, considering I can’t drink, but bugs touching anything you intake to your boday is bad because bugs have MILLIONS of germs. It’s just nasty.

Berserker's avatar

lawlz I see wut j00 did thar

Damn man, you’re asking me to come up with a spoonerism to answer how a fly can fuck up your beer? I’m trying but I can’t think of anything lol.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t know about beer mugs and bugs but I have to get the tat from under the cable.

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ETpro's avatar

@gasman Indeed. If I’ve got a bottle in front of me instead of a frontal lobotomy, so no mere bug buggers up my beer mug.

@astrix24 There is a link in the details explaining what Spoonerisms are. They have nothing to do with drinking, unless booze tends to cause you to get your “mords wixed.”

@Symbeline Not tp worry, my friend. Remember, enough beers and a fly can’t fuck up the next one. You just aren’t there yet. It all comes down to whether you’d rather flunk than Fluther drunk

@Hypocrisy_Central OMG. Tats under the cable. That could dreck your way.

Berserker's avatar

@ETpro Wait, spoonerism doesn’t have to include actual words? Is dreck a word?

sliceswiththings's avatar

Not a good thread to read while drunk!

ETpro's avatar

@Symbeline See dreck here. And @sliceswiththings my posts to it are living proof of that fact. :-)

Blueroses's avatar

I would say that it turns your beer in to beetlejuice, but I don’t think that’s what you mad in hind.

Blueroses's avatar

Might make your Bock Light into a Lock Bite (damned fire ants)

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline Is dreck a word? Maybe not in Webster’s but in certain circles it is used like grenade in Jersey Shore, a “dreck” would be a (dreadful train wreck); you want to look away but you just can’t.

Blueroses's avatar

Oh. Then there are many drecks on my tv. I’ve called them “dramatic wrecks” even on Hell’s Kitchen or Top Chef.

ETpro's avatar

@Blueroses Ha! Very good. Imaging the beetlejuics of a stink bug. That would make a beer smell like dreck.

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