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jonsblond's avatar

Have you ever been plagued by multiple injuries/illnesses at one time?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) June 4th, 2011

What were they? How did you cope?

The funnier the better, but hugs to you if you were completely miserable.

My story:

1.At the moment I’ve been suffering from a moderate (and annoying) sore throat that has been going on over a week. I now have

2. a bad sunburn on my shoulders and back

3. a swollen foot from a bee sting

4. a knot, cut and swollen elbow from a flying beer can. I asked my husband to grab me a beer. He said “here you go”. I wasn’t looking and forgot the code for “here you go” The corner of the can hit my funny bone, hard. I’m so happy I didn’t have to go to the emergency room and explain that one. ;)

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14 Answers

sakura's avatar

Oh no…poor you, I hope you start to feel better soon and your luck starts to change! My daughter had her arm n plaster and chicken pox at the same time…she was only 3, and it was really itchy, poor thing :(

jonsblond's avatar

@sakura Ouch. Poor thing. I can’t imagine how terrible that would be. (I’ll be fine. Just uncomfortable at the moment. The beer landing in my mouth is helping. lol)

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, yes. At the present moment:

•  stress fracture of right foot, unhealed, still painful, currently untreated because the cast had to come off when I…
•  broke my right arm, ending my use of crutches; currently recovering from wrist surgery and having therapy to regain full use of my dominant hand, compounded by…
•  chronic (20+ years) pain of right arm and shoulder coming from degenerative disc disease in vertebrae of neck, not to mention…
•  Morton’s neuroma in both feet, making walking painful even before we got around to the foot fracture in Dec. 2009, all exacerbated by…
•  assorted health impairments for which I take 11 daily prescriptions, including one for…
•  allergies, which are pretty strong this spring despite daily meds and regular shots, and…
•  an itchy-prickly-painful rash in a tender spot that is not responding to treatment.
(I’ve left a few things out because I don’t want to overdo it.)

When I’ve done all I can with treatments, I find that I cope best by using two good strategies in tandem:
1. focusing on everything that does work and remaining grateful for it every day, and
2. denial. I ignore it all and pretend it doesn’t exist.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve got several disorders/diseases/reactions not to mention my general insanity concurrently, and have for a long time. I kind of see it all as “my stupid, weird body” at this point, rather than different things, though.

None of them are nearly as amusing (I’m sorry, but I giggled) as being hit with a flying beer, though. Ouch!

Vunessuh's avatar

This question was asked not too long ago and I thought instantly of my dad.
He has Parkinson’s disease, dementia, diabetes, dystonia and was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years ago, which fortunately hasn’t returned since surgery. Any of my current health afflictions are nothing compared to that. Poor guy is the master of obtaining multiple illnesses and many injuries from lacking the ability to walk well better than anyone I have ever known.

SoupDragon's avatar

I had a cold and a sore finger at the same time. It was terrible.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I was about 15yo-17yo and I managed to get my roller blades up to 80kph while going down a massive long hill. Then I slipped.

The skin on my back, elbows, and knees was gone. My thumb broke, and as I came to a stop there where some thumps that bruised up my ribs.

Sounds bad, but I was skating the next day (carefully)

tedibear's avatar

In seventh grade, I fell while roller skating and landed on my right hip. This was on a Saturday. On Monday, I slipped on some ice and landed on my tailbone. OW! I limped a bit for three days.

Worse than that though was when I had stomach flu and my period at the same time. (Sixth grade) The midsection of my body was one big cramp and the mess – ugh.

Mariah's avatar

Ulcerative colitis flare up + kidney stone = saaaad Mariah :(
More recently, while recovering from surgery I’ve had itchy, allergic skin stuff going on. All I can say is thank god for dermatologists, haha.

jonsblond's avatar

@Vunessuh I searched for 15 minutes last night trying to find the recent question. I had just got done complaining about my foot and sunburn to Jon when I got hit with the can. I immediately thought of that Q. I couldn’t find it. :/

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. I especially like how @Jeruba copes with pain. Good advice!

MilkyWay's avatar

Right now:
. Sore throat
. Tempreture
. Run away Runny nose
. Constant Headache
. Recovering from a broken ankle surgery. Still not able to walk :-/

Michael_Huntington's avatar

@Mariah Oh no! D:
I hope you feel better!

Mariah's avatar

@Michael_Huntington It’s not happening right now! That was several years ago. Thanks for your concern though.

King_Pariah's avatar

Most recent (which was a little over a year ago) Concussion, stomach virus, torn Labrum in right shoulder, fractured right thumb, Compartment syndrome in right leg.

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