Social Question

john65pennington's avatar

What are some of the signs that you are/were about to be dumped?

Asked by john65pennington (29283points) June 5th, 2011

I was only dumped one time as a teenager. I still do not know why I was dumped. Today, many male and females are dumped. Maybe some of you, like me, did not understand why you were dumped. Question: what excuse(s) did you give or receive, from or to your bf/gf, that has lead to a breakup in your relationship?

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17 Answers

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

When he asked for this and a pair of running shoes for Christmas. ;)

Cruiser's avatar

When they eat the last piece of German chocolate cherry cake. ;)

FutureMemory's avatar

“We weren’t bringing out the best in each other anymore”.

josie's avatar

This was not an excuse, just a fact:
“I asked you to join me in my life, I did not ask you to attempt to possess it”

Mariah's avatar

I was dumped from my first “relationship” (if you can even call it that), which didn’t come as a big surprise because we had never acted like a couple anyway! We were only 13 and were too awkward to try anything romantic. When we finally broke up with me (in an email, no less!) it was not too shocking. What a silly “relationship” that was. XD

I dumped my first and only “real” boyfriend when I was 16. The excuse I told him (which was true, it just wasn’t the main reason I was dumping him) was that I had some major soul-searching to do, and I didn’t feel I could do it while in a relationship. I was also dumping him because, well. I didn’t know him terribly well when we had started dating. When I got to know him, I found I didn’t like him very much. I couldn’t just tell him that though! He was heart-broken enough as it was!

BarnacleBill's avatar

I can tell you that in high school and college, I was both dumped and did the dumping when my value set/lifestyle/background was too different from my own. I’ve broken up with people because their value system and “what is normal” was too different than my own, and it caused problems eventually, no matter how I felt about the person or they felt about be. There was always a sense of imbalance. I went through periods where I tried being things I’m not—political, overly social, interested in athletics, religious—and it never really worked. When I felt false, the relationships where those interests were a basis of commonality felt false.

The reality is that I’m a very moderate person, and I’m attracted to people who are doers. I don’t well with partiers or who are into material possessions or pretentious. I’m attracted to people who are curious and who like to tinker with things, make things with their hands, entrepreneurs. I like people who notice things.

ucme's avatar

Razor blades in your corn flakes?

Only138's avatar

When they stop coming over, quit calling and start buying new undies that you NEVER see. LMAO

Mariah's avatar

Oh I have to add this: after I broke up with him, the guy claimed he saw it coming because one time I sat down on a couch at the opposite end from him. So apparently that’s a sign you’re going to get dumped. Pfft.

zenvelo's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille HAHAHAHA!

I’ve tended to be pretty blind to the signs I was about to be dumped. Looking back it was things like not returning calls, being busy at times I would have expected her to be free.

john65pennington's avatar

My one and only dump was her engagement ring wrapped in a paper towel and handed to me. Not many words were spoken and I still wonder what the heck happened. We had dated for two years and everything seemed fine. There was no one else in her life, except me. Her mother told me that this was the worst mistake her daughter had ever made in her life.

creative1's avatar

Being told by my boyfriend who had cancer that he was getting sicker and he didn’t want to put me through his dying…. I didn’t see it coming and no matter how I tried to change his mind he still broke up with me but still remained friends though only talked via the telephone until his death. No matter what I still loved him even though he broke up with me to spare me going through seeing him get sicker.

Ron_C's avatar

I’ve been married for going on 45 years and my wife doesn’t believe in signs when threats are more effective. She just threatens to blow up my bike or throw my stuff into the front lawn. She also favors sharp instruments as a means of persuasion. In our house you don’t get dumped, you get dead. She needs the insurance money.

creative1's avatar

@Ron_C too funny, I like her methods lol

Ron_C's avatar

Some women marry a man to change him, my wife just wants a little control. I’m good with that. @creative1

dannyc's avatar

Someone who avoids looking at you in the eyes when they speak to you, with a sort of distant demeanor, is a sure fire sign of impending bad news. I recall that feeling of coldness, especially in retrospect.

Bellatrix's avatar

I was just about to say emotional distance @dannyc. That feeling that they are with you in person, but not with you and as @Only138 said, suddenly they aren’t so driven to call you, buying new undies you never see lol is sadly also so true! Taking up a fitness regime. Spending more time on their appearance, but not for you.

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