If the life you're living is a movie, what movie genre would it belong to?
Certainly, patterns of moments in one’s life fluctuate from being happy to sad, sad to depressing, dramatic to light comedy or humorous to funny to just plain silly slapstick. Also there are times one’s life is like a boring documentary that may then turn into an action pack flick with sexy men and women in it or cute and pesky kids. It’s all there, at one point or another. But generally and broadly speaking how do you see your life now as a movie genre and why? What kind of movie would you like your life to turn into even if it’s just for the sake of citing it as a metaphor. Thanks. : )
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27 Answers
A desaster/horror movie….
Well of course I’d love to say horror, but in reality…it would be more like one of those really boring made for TV movies where nothing ever happens and people just talk and be dramatic all day. Bad camera work included.
So, bad drama.
My life would be that perfect love story, with no happy ending…
My life is just like an I Love Lucy episode; my dad is Ricky ( he’s from Puerto Rico, so sometimes he’s very hard to understand), my mom is Lucy (red hair) and their best friends are the Mertzes ( they’re just insane) so I would have to say screwball comedy.
Definitely dull and boring.
They need to get another screenwriter!
Definitly Outer Limits. lol
Mine would be similar to the concession break intro before the looney toon cartoon at a saturday morning double feature (Mmmm, I can still recall the scents of various used chewing gum stuck under my too uncomfortable wooden and synthetic leather seat)...
Black comedy ,i can always see the funny side to things,sometimes to soon….
Probably just a cheesy rip-off of The Catcher In the Rye and The Dharma Bums. My life’s sure not interesting, but I can bitch and preach as well as those two at times. The issue would be finding an editor and cinematographer to make sure to show the good shit to make it all work out in the end.
A romantic family comedy. More specifically one where two unlikely people fall madly in love, blend two quirky families and somehow with
a lot of love and humor, make it all work.
A quirky indie teen comedy starring Michael fucking Cera O_o
Serio-comedy… with an open-ended ending.
More like Youth in Revolt, probably.
I think sitcom more than movie. It is a cross between Seinfeld, Top Gear, and Mad About You.
It would be a farcical take-off on a romantic comedy by Beckett
Waiting for D
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