General Question

Jay484's avatar

Can I become a teacher with a college level English in Canada?

Asked by Jay484 (1555points) June 6th, 2011

I am hoping to become a teacher when I get out of high school so I can become a coach at the high school I got to or become a Gym teacher. All my other classes are University classes (I’m taking grade 11 University/ college math). Except English, I only took college level English. Can I still go to Teacher college with a college level English?

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2 Answers

KateTheGreat's avatar

I’m sure that collages won’t really help you get towards your goal of being a teacher.

Ahem, a collage is a form of art in which various materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric are arranged and stuck to a backing. A COLLEGE is where you can go to get your degree in various subjects and move on to start a career.

Jay484's avatar

@KatetheGreat thanks for that :). there its all better now.

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