Do you fancy being called by a different name?
It’s rare that I read or hear news about a person having a name change. I’m also just curious as to the statistics on how many people really do so if you know some actual data, please share. Do you have a name you sometimes think about changing your name into even though you know you are not going to do it? And why that name?
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35 Answers
I have never wanted to, nope.
When I was born, my first name on my birth certificate was Jerry. Jerry? I do not look or act like a Jerry.
Thank God my mother came to my rescue and scratched out Jerry and inserted John.
Awww,,,,, that’s better.
At least my name was not changed to Sue. Get it?
I changed my name from a shortened verion that I was known by to the longer version on my birth certificate which I much prefered. I also changed my surname when I got married because I hated HATED HATED my birth surname. So I have actually completely changed my name already. I like it now.
I don’t want to change my real name,but I do have a few nicknamesnicknamesnicknames.:)
Here is a list of the Top 10 Reasons People Change Their Names, which is interesting.
When you say that it is rare, are you only referring to first names? There is only one person I personally know who legally had it changed. She went from Phyllis to Morgan when she was in her 40s.
When my sister was pregnant twice, she and her husband picked out first and middle names for them, as well as a name that they would be referred to from birth. What they are called has nothing to do with their legal names.
Everybody who knows me know me by my nickname and a few choice other pet names some people choose to use. :)
I don’t mind my given name, although Spunkie Chunkie has a nice ring to it.
I’ve never wanted to change my name, but I am called by nicknames very often. Usually people shorten my three syllable name to one, some make it into a “y” ending like Debbie, Cindy, Christy, etc. But rarely. There are only about 6 or 7 people who shorten my name that way, with the y ending, I almost don’t realize they are talking about or to me. My husband makes up crazy nicknames all of the tme, and he is always very proud of them lol. He could probably call me almost anything and I would answer. More about the voice than the word I think.
My grandmother legally changed her fist name, she hated her given name.
I know a couple who changed their surname, they didn’t like his, now also hers. They had been married already 20 years when they changed it.
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Oh, I forgot, I had an ex change his legal name, because it was spelled wrong on his birth certifcate. And my FIL changed his surname because it was spelled wrong on his birth certificate, although his wife and children all had it spelled correctly already. Long story.
@acme ok thanks Spunkie Chunkie.
I’ve been called by my midddle name since the age of 2, I was named after my mother on my birth certificate as a first name but I don’t remember ever being called it. I would consider changing my name and just flipping the 2 names to life easier. Right now I use my first intial and my full middle name and full last name on all documents and it gets so confusing to everyone when I have to explain it to just use the first initial and the full middle name.
@creative1 Are you J.K. Rowling? Lol. : ) Sorry just fooling around.
@creative1 Indeed. What a success story. If I was one of those publishers who rejected her book, I’ll be banging my head on the wall once a day. : )
Anyway, I’m fancying the name John Holmes II. LOL.
@ucme Lol. I was in a bus typing on an iPad. : )
Yes, I do… it’s very complicated though :-/
No I do not under any circumstances. I’ve kept my name.
I, also, have changed my name @Simone_De_Beauvoir . It is not formal, just moved to a new town (for reasons not associated thatd be weird) and just answered the new name when asked. The end, for free.
No I would never think of changing my name. I was given a nickname when younger but it isn’t much used now.
I only want to change the way my name is spelled. “Ashley” is SO boring. So I change it to “AshLeigh”
I think I’m someday gonna change my name to “CrAsh-Leigh Keigh (Last name subject to change)...” I want the ”...” at the end. It’s suspenceful. :D
I use several different names. When I first went from elementary school to middle school, I changed my first name, but it didn’t last past the 7th grade. I have a Choctaw name, and two computer names. I have had four different last names. All the children call me Grandma (or Aunt at family gatherings)
My given name, no. I love that name. My middle name is a shortened form of a much more elegant name, so I’ll alter it to what the long form is. My surname, yes, I’m changing it. I hate it and I already know what I’m going to change it to, and I most likely will change it this year.
Nah, I’m braindead enough that even if I changed my name, I’d get all lost and confused when someone would address me by said new name.
But if I did, I’d totally change my name to Desdimona.
I love my middle name and as @creative1 I was given my mother’s name as a first name and have never used it and use my middle name all the time and it’s a problem sometimes because of legal documents. But, no, I would never change it. It isn’t so bad…I’ll just continue using my middle name. I also go by my nickname at home and with friends. No one close calls me by my real name.
@Porifera just do what I do on all legal documents, go by first inital then full middle name and full last name. How you start is with your license, then you can get your passport in that name and so on and so on
I’ve always wanted a different name but could never come up with one. When I was a kid then I wanted to called Jade or something exotic but now it sounds more like a stripper name.
No. I have actually gone back to using my maiden name and whereas when I was younger I wanted people to use the shortened version of my name, now I sort of prefer my real name. Not that many people call me by that name.
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