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john65pennington's avatar

Is the following a true definition of a person's Golden Years?

Asked by john65pennington (29278points) June 6th, 2011

Someone gave this to me many years ago and it has had no meaning to me, UNTIL I retired. Please read the following:

Old people are the nation’s leading carrier of AIDS!

Hearing Aids
Band Aids
Roll Aids
Walking Aids
Medical Aids
Government Aids
Monetary Aids

“The Golden Years have come at last”............................

I cannot see
I cannot pee
I cannot chew
I cannot s___
My memory shrinks
My hearing stinks
No sense of smell
I look like hell
My body is drooping
Got trouble pooping

The Golden Years have come at last

The Golden Years can kiss my a__!

Question: does this description fit you now or will you remember this as you begin to age for those Golden Years?

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11 Answers

ucme's avatar

Much to look forward to then! :¬(
Then again, sure beats the alternative :¬)
As the sarge from Full Metal Jacket said, “you climb obstacles like old people fuck….slowly!

john65pennington's avatar

ucme, great answer and so true. jp

ucme's avatar

why thank you ociffer….hic….;¬}

john65pennington's avatar

ucme, would you take a breathilizer test? Your breath ain’t makin’ it.

mazingerz88's avatar

It’s true but maybe should not be the only definition of the “Golden Years”. Come to mind are the loving presence of family and friends, doing things you love and one long extended goodbye to memories perfect and not so perfect. And for the faithful and agnostic hopefuls, anticipating what’s next?

Cruiser's avatar

I plan on having none of that. I will either use it till I die or just die. Not interested in extensive life preservation if there is no life to live and bed ridden I will not do.

ucme's avatar

@john65pennington No & i’m positive on that….more than likely.

Aster's avatar

@Cruiser “I plan on having none of that. I will either use it till I die or just die. Not interested in extensive life preservation if there is no life to live and bed ridden I will not do.” That’s what they all say. But here is the problem: seniors walk around but have lost some quality of life. But they don’t wish to die. So they count their blessings and continue to go downhhill but they’re still upright. By the time (it happens suddenly) they’re bedridden they have no recourse. Who will murder them? Nobody. They may wish to die but it isn’t their decision to make. Old people who have lost their sense of smell, taste and hearing simply deal with it. Some deal with it better than others. Again: they feel lucky to just to be alive and then a health disaster hits. It’s like a runaway train. There is nothing they can do about it. And that, dear cruiser, is why we have nursing homes.

Cruiser's avatar

@Aster I may not have been clear enough. I have lived long enough to know what the effects of aging feel like. People I see tend to learn to live with their limitations and that just encourages the loss of mobility and more limitations to set in. I move my old ass every day I am alive. I do yoga everyday…I may not be the fittest person but I am flexible and capable of full range of motion and intend on maintaining this till my heart gives out. As I said….I plan on using it till I lose it and I will die before I lose it. So I am set and content with my outlook in life and you will NOT see a yellow Camaro parked out front a nursing home!! Not while I am alive!! ;)

Berserker's avatar

I have trouble pooping…

Aster's avatar

@Cruiser that was cute. (-; Well, good luck with your plans. I think yoga is absolutely fantastic and as soon as I regain any energy I’m going to start back up with it. And there is a bit of wisdom in what you say. If you have good genes and practice yoga you could end up one of those 100 year old yogis. If your parents died or die relatively young I’m not so optimistic.

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