Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Men wearing flip flops or sandals with jeans: yes or no?

Asked by Blackberry (34376points) June 6th, 2011

Is it fashionably acceptable, or a faux pas?

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64 Answers

Facade's avatar

As long as you keep your feet neat and sans ash, you’ll be fine =)

syz's avatar

Ugh, I despise flip flops; I don’t think they should be worn anywhere but in public showers. Sandals, it depends (if you don’t mind the “hippy” vibe), but usually, no.

creative1's avatar

Yes but keep the feet neat and no wearing socks with your sandals or flip flops that just looks wrong.

erichw1504's avatar

Yes, I second the socks with sandals. A big “no no”.

I wear sandals with jeans fairly often. I find it to be pretty stylish.

marinelife's avatar

It’s OK. No socks with the sandals though!

JLeslie's avatar

I think it’s fine.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I find men in flip-flops to be a massive turn off for me!

Aster's avatar

I guess it depends on the sandals. Flip flops look cute on teens, I think. But yes; you have to have trimmed and clean toenails. For men, I’d prefer closed toe sandals. I don’t know why. lol

DominicX's avatar

I personally think it looks awful.

Blackberry's avatar

Oh yes, sandals without socks should be a generally accepted societal notion, like not killing babies lol.

gabbypotterrr's avatar


Even worse is when guys don’t understand that they shouldn’t have their gross toes creeping over the front of the sandal like some sort of claw. Then, they have dirty toes and a hell of a lot of sandal left over in the back where their heel should be.

Just NOOOO please lol

Cruiser's avatar

Sandal season at work starts this week for me. I love my “dress” sandals and I think my feets look fine with this casual look.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

I don’t really care for mandals of flip flops on men.
I am learning to deal with this. ;)

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Does geography matter? If I was in Florida or California and saw a guy with Sandals, fine. Otherwise…

Blackberry's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Yeah, region matters.

How about sandals vs. flip flops (for men)?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Flip flops are always appropriate at the beach, and showering in the gym.

Men over 27 should always be in the best shoes they can afford. Regardless of anything else they are wearing. I’m speaking as a man here.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I wouldn’t even give it a second thought. Seems perfectly normal to me.
Flip flops or sandals are just fine, as well. Just my humble opinion, of course.

sliceswiththings's avatar

I agree with @Leanne1986 , I like my men out of flip flops! If I see men in flip flops I just assume they’re drunk.

Kardamom's avatar

As long as the venue is casual (no weddings, not to work unless you work in a beach shop, not out to dinner with potential in-laws, not to church, not to a job interview etc.) but otherwise I like them.

But note to men and women alike, please, please PLEASE take care of your feet. Nobody wants to look at overgrown, yellow, thick tonails or toes or heels with flaky red or white patches, or feet and ankles with scabs and flea bites. And men, if you have super-hairy toes, please wax them or trim those hairs. And ladies, if you are going to wear nail polish, keep it looking fresh, don’t let it chip off or let your toenails grow out so that you have a section of nail with no polish next to your cuticle. And everybody trim those nails!

AmWiser's avatar

Wearing sandals with jeans is very acceptable, especially when considering the weather during hot and humid days. Also, it’s all about attitude.

obvek's avatar

I would wear flip flops every day if I could.

Don’t get between a fat man and his flip flops.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Facade I gotta ask. What is the meaning of “sans ash”?

AmWiser's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe take time to lotion up those tootsies.:D

Ron_C's avatar

I don’t think grown men wearing flip flop anywhere but in the gym shower room acceptable at any time. Sandals with jeans are fine.

Flip flops are shoes for little girls.

Facade's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe, @AmWiser is right on =) Don’t be ashy fellas!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Oh god. If the big hairy narly nailed toes aren’t bad enough. There are people that go out with bare ashy feet?

mazingerz88's avatar

When going out to battle with my other Roman Centurion buddies we wear sandals. No flip flops or combat boots since we will look silly with our matching tunics.

zenvelo's avatar

I think it depends on where you are. Flip flops are de riguer in Hawaii and California. But if you are wearing flip flops you should probably be wearing shorts, not jeans.

Scooby's avatar

Denim shorts are OK! :-/

Facade's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Yep, way too many people lol

erichw1504's avatar

@Scooby you mean jorts?

Scooby's avatar


If you say so? I’m English, we wear shorts ;-)

Blackberry's avatar

I’m not a fan of sandals or flip flops with jeans, although I did it the other day and was swiftly corrected by some of my friends lol. I went to a function where we were sitting outside the whole time in a backyard, and I also knew it was going to get colder than usual at night so that’s why I wore the pants, but I agree it’s not the best look for me.

I wasn’t under the impression that some didn’t approve of flip flops at all. I think it’s just because I’ve lived in Florida where more people wore them, and then in NJ, where everyone is at the beach during the Summer. I never wore them until I left Oregon.

erichw1504's avatar

@Scooby jorts are jean shorts, combine the words jeans and shorts and you get jorts!

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

IMO, this isn’t a yes or no question. There are men who wear flip-flops or sandals with jeans, and I would never bat an eye, unless it was in certain situations. For example, if it was for an interview or a blind date where either was not suggested in advance, I would hope that any person, male or female, wouldn’t wear them. In both of these cases, it is about creating a first impression where it may matter.

As for being fashionably acceptable, it depends upon where one lives.

Mikewlf337's avatar

No man should ever wear flip flops or sandals. EVER!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Flip Flops are bad. Correcting a friend publicly is the worst kind of behavior.

Scooby's avatar


Interesting, never heard of them until now…… jorts that is :-/ I wear jlip jlops with mine!

SpatzieLover's avatar

Yes, it looks fine.

ucme's avatar

Flip Flops? Flim Flam!! I never wear the buggers, for I am a man & lord of my jungle ;¬}

Scooby's avatar


Unfortunately that link is lost to me :-/

BarnacleBill's avatar

Flip flops with jeans is kind of a frat boy look. Tevas, leather sandals look good. But not for work. You don’t need to be showing toes at work in casual shoes. Toes that are visible, male or female, need to be pedicured.

zenvelo's avatar

@Mikewlf337 @Ron_C What do you guys wear in a place like Hawaii when you are going to the beach?

lonelydragon's avatar

They’re more appropriate for casual settings, but wearing them is not a faux pas…although wearing them with socks is considered unfashionable.

tinyfaery's avatar

Of, course. I don’t even see why it would be an issue. Maybe it’s a California thing. I always see men in flip flops.

mrrich724's avatar

It’s a fashion essential… If you don’t believe me ask any college guy out there (one with a social life please) hhahaaha.

If you have the funds, I recommend Rainbows. (You can’t afford not to actually. They are 50 bucks, but mine are going on three years old. And the company has a wicked guarantee)

Just don’t wear jorts!

and as @lonelydragon said . . . NEVER with socks…

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

If they have a nice pedicure then I am okay with it. Cause those feet need some friggin air!

DeanV's avatar

Hell, I do it fairly often, mostly because I’m running out the door and too lazy to put shoes on.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@tinyfaery it’s all guys wear here in Wis in summer

sweetbee's avatar

Yes! Sexy to me just have well moisturized feet and a good manicure.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Blackberry, let me be absolutely clear to you, as I realize you are getting a lot of responses.

Women are crazy bout shoes. Absolutely crazy.Look at how many they buy.

Look at a shoe in the sales department. Think, is this the kind of shoe that would attract the woman I want to attract. If it is, than make that purchase.

They will judge you on the shoes much more than anything else.

Bellatrix's avatar

I live in Australia, thongs (that’s what we call flip flops) are almost a national uniform! I don’t wear them.

I don’t mind men in sandles or thongs as long as they don’t wear socks as well.

They should also wear them at appropriate times. If the man knows when he needs to be more formal, that’s fine.

JLeslie's avatar

@Bellatrix My mom still calls them thongs. In America we used that term also up until about 20 years ago, then thong underwear seemingly took over the word.

Bellatrix's avatar

How interesting @JLeslie. Thank you for the info.

JLeslie's avatar

@Bellatrix A close college friend of mine, her mom calls them thongs also. My mom is from New York, and her mom is from Ohio, so I guess more than just one part of America used the term. Sometimes these things vary greatly from one region to another in my country.

Bellatrix's avatar

Here, they are thongs. Kiwis (people from New Zealand) call them jandles.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

If we’re at home or he’s running out to the gas station or to pick up the kids then it’s ok. Any other time he puts on shoes or sneakers.

Mikewlf337's avatar

@zenvelo I don’t really go to the beach.

zenvelo's avatar

@Mikewlf337 So your categorical statement might bear some modification.

Flip flops are absolutely acceptable at the finest restaurants on the islands of Maui and Kauai. ( I have not been to Oahu). And they are also generally acceptable in Santa Barbara, San Diego, and beach communities of Los Angeles and Orange counties.

perspicacious's avatar

Sure, why not. I’m from the South, so…............

Mikewlf337's avatar

@zenvelo I was joking, relax. I don’t need modification on something as trivial as an opinion on flip flops.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@JLeslie & @Bellatrix my mom says thongs here in Wisconsin, too ;)

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