Which date(s) will you always remember?
Asked by
Nimis (
June 6th, 2011
from iPhone
Not counting birthdays and wedding anniversaries.
Do you celebrate or commemorate them in any way?
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20 Answers
My family has a tradition on the last Sunday in April. There is a small community called Cottondale in the boondocks of Texas where a good portion of my mom’s side of the family are from. There is a cemetery there that holds relatives stretching back to the 1800’s. Each year we meet for the annual cemetery association meeting, pay our respects, and have a great picnic lunch with a bunch of folks we usually only get to see once a year.
Dec 1—World AIDS Day
June 5—First published report on the epidemic (incidentally also my parents’ wedding anniversary and my sister’s wedding anniversary)
June 25—First romantic kiss (incidentally also my father’s birthday)
8th of March – International Women’s Day the daughter of my former girlfriend was born that day.
4th of October – Animal’s Day
July 30th 1966. I wasn’t alive yet, but that was the date England won the World Cup!!
It’s likely to be a long wait yet for it to be repeated, so i’ll remember that date with relish.
May 25 – day that my Mom died
There are a few, but right now, the date that will remain in my mind for quite awhile is tomorrow. June 7, 2011 at 10:am
Another sad date with death for my beloved kitty Marley who is in the final stages of FIP.
The hospice vet comes in the morning for his final farewell.
I have been lovingly tending him this last week as he slips away. :-(
April 22 1986 – my sobriety date
August 22 1988 – the day I quit smoking.
June 25, 2006 – the day I met my girlfriend face to face.
I have had a number of memorable things happen on April 24. Every year I wonder “what’ll it be this year?”
September 11— I’m sure a lot of people will always remember exactly what they were doing that day.
Also the date where my date tried to swallow my face. :P
I always seem to have remembered the day I joined the Navy. Jan 13, 2005.
October 18th, the day my mom died and June 30, 1990, the day everything changed for the man who would become my husband.
2001 Sept 11 will definitely stick with me, esp hearing the second plane hit from 2 km away while seeing it happen on television.
1995 June 18 I married my dear spouse!
Lost some family members…
June 14th: first period
June 20th: first kiss
July 14th: first sex
I <3 summer!
The date my dad died – which just happens to be ANZAC day.
Remembrance Day – which is the day after my sister died.
The day my husband and I made contact again – September 20
I also remember the date of my first period, because it was my 13th birthday.
I’d tell, but then I’d have to kill you.
@ Blackberry Thank you for your service.
1.) My first “real” date which was with my ex husband. He picked me up at my house in a clean car, dressed to the nines (head to toe black leather, waist length hair) and took me to one of the most exclusive dinner houses in our city. He treated me to French style tableside service with all the trimmings and gave me a necklace he’d made himself. This was my first real date and also my 19th birthday.
2.) My first big date with my now fiancĂ©e. He took me into the mountains, a haunted mining town for an overnight and full next day of roaming. We had a 4 star sunset dinner at historic grand hotel, the most exclusive room they had which overlooked the mountain valley from it’s own garden veranda which took up the whole one end of the building a few floors up. The next day we boarded an old fashioned steam train in a 1rst Class car that toured us around the old mining valley and it was outstanding. The whole time we held hands, kissed and felt like we’d known each other a long time. This is where we both agree we kind of fell in love. It’s the spot where we’ll be married in a few months.
The last date with the woman I thought was perfect 10 years ago is indelibly imprinted in my mind. She unexpectedly and unceremoniously dumped me that night. In hindsight she ended the date exactly the way it should as I have moved on to better things.
@ratboy Care to expound? That was Thanksgiving Day.
I’ll always remember the date of my death.. uh, wait a minute!.. That is, uh?.. Huh..?
Besides 9/11, I don’t think I have any. It’s not that important things haven’t happened, but that I have a terrible memory for dates. I can’t even remember my own anniversary without looking at the calendar.
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