Is there something you always lose?
I ALWAYS lose my lighters. I lose other people’s lighters too. I also constantly lose the remote to the TV. I get up to go somewhere and take it with me. Then I set it down where ever, and then I can’t find it.
Is there something you lose consistently?
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33 Answers
yes, yes there is. My glasses and my phone!
Car keys.
I have also lost cars in parking lots XD
I always lose my car park construction companies…
I constantly lose my chapstick. I don’t know where it goes, I feel like I am constantly buying new chapstick everytime I go to the store. I don’t even want to think about how much money I have wasted on that stuff.
No. I am a very organized person and I know where everything is.
Sunglasses. My last adventure was in a Mapco Drive In Market. I had gone to the little boys room to take a whiz. I carry my sunglasses in the top button of my shirt. As I reached over to flush, you guessed it, my sunglasses came off my shirt and down into the craper. The timing was perfect. The last whirl of water in the commode was timed perfectly to grab my sunglasses and swiftly take them to who knows where. That was a slick move on the commodes part.
Reading glasses. I now have 4 pairs purchased at the Dollar Tree. I’ve lost many, but don’t feel so bad about it at a dollar a pop.
About three to four times a day, I lose my faith in humanity. However, I always find it again and sometimes in the most unexpected places.
I work retail
Common sense. I also tend to forget where I put my cellphone since I’ll just leave it in the place where I currently use it.
Toothpicks .. and most of the times is embarrassing ^^
My cool, usually when be attacked by a fucking wasp!!!
Human windmill, with a six year old girl’s screams as a soundtrack to the unfolding madness :¬(
My iPod. Dang. Where is it?
@ucme Lol. Those blasted wasps. It’s like, you’re just minding your own damn business when suddenly, bzzzzzzzz I’m an emo wasp full of HATE and you’re gonna DIE bzzz!
It’s been said, by many a bespectacled nerd type, that it’s not correct to swat away at a wasp. Apparently it disturbs their airflow causing distress & aggression!!
Okay right, i’m supposed to just stand still & let the little fuckers sting me then eh?
Not going to happen!!!
@ucme Ahem. They really won’t bother you. Unless you freak out. Ahem! You’re running about trying to get away and you run smack into them and…yes, they sting you!! And if you swat at them…they’ll swat back. Heh!
I was minding my own business, and one came on my arm and stung me. I didn’t even notice it until I felt the sting. What the hell are those things’ problem anyway?
They hurt like a sombitch, don’t they!
Yeah. Bumblebees hurt a lot more though…but at least, if they sting you, it’s cuz you asked for it.
I’ve never been stung by a Bumblebee. I’ve been stung by a wasp twice. Once was because they’d built a nest in the mailbox and I didn’t know it…and I grabbed the mail and grabbed a wasp at the same time and scared him so bad he died for the reflex of stinging my palm! Another one stung me just ‘cause I stepped on him while he was playing in a pile of leaves. So mean!
Today they probably rush kids to the hospital for a wasp sting. When I got stung the first time I came in the house screaming and Mom yelled back from the kitchen “Run some cold water on it!” Didn’t miss a beat.
A moment later, “Mom! It’s swelling up bad!”
Mom yells back, “Yeah, does that!” Didn’t miss another beat.
Three hours later…I was healed! All by myself! Never saw my Mom the whole time!
@Dutchess_III Ha, nice. You’re mom is pretty cool. :) And lol about the leaf wasp. Come on, you stepped on him lol.
When I was little I loved bugs, and went around catching them and putting them in jars. So, I got stung by a lot of different critters.
I also got attacked by a whole wasp nest. It was one of those underground nests that I stepped on, and one stung me on the heel. Then all of a sudden…they were everywhere. My friend and I were freaking out. Luckily, most couldn’t sting through my clothes, and I just got stung on the legs a whole lot. But a lot were stuck in my hair, and it sucked. Glad they weren’t bees…you need only 1500 bees to kill a person I think, and no wasp nest will ever even have the half of that.
Yeah…bug stories lol.
Oh shit @Symbeline! BAD situation!
Mom…Mom was just Old Country. Old School. No such thing as hospitals in her day, really. Certainly not phones and ambulances.
Well, she knew that one wasp sting isn’t the end of the world. You’re right…some people seem to freak out about it…wouldn’t want to see them in your mom’s old school environment.
We were just left to die or get over it! Really! That was pretty much all of the parent’s attitudes in the 60’s. : )
@Dutchess_III You wanna take something for that sore throat dear ;¬}
You’re entirely mistaken, those fuckers dive bomb with intent whether i’m minding my own or not.
Now shut up or i’ll swat you like a pesky fly XD
LOL! “Mom…my throat hurts!”
“Well what do you want me to do about it??”
Sometimes she was worried enough to paint iodine on our scrapes. Needless to say, after the first time we kept our scrapes a secret!
Seriously…I don’t know if it was the times, or my Mom, but once when I was 8 she sent me to a Shopeze for a big potato. It had snowed big time the day before. So I set out across a big old field and then across a busy, icy highway to the Shopeze. They didn’t have single potatoes. They only had 5 pound bags. So I bought the bag and struggled out the door with it. Crossing the highway there was a semi coming and I got scared and tried to hurry. I slipped and fell and slid to the side of the highway. I got up shaking, stepped into the ditch in front of the field. The snow came up over my boot, and when I pulled my foot up to take another step, my boot came off and I planted my stockinged foot in the snow. I struggled to get my snow-filled boot back on, then struggled across the field. An 8 year old lugging a 5 pound bag of potatoes through the snow. Needless to say I was sobbing and freezing when I got home. Mom actually felt sorry for me that time! She also felt guilty. She said she would have never asked me to get a 5 pound bag of potatoes.
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