Do you ever have trouble calming down after committing murder?
I just had to whack a giant snake (and by giant, I mean like zoo-size damned snake) that made the mistake of camping out on my patio. I couldn’t let it out of my sight long enough to go grab something sharp, so I had to kill it with a freaking shovel.
I now have the worst damn headache ever, I can’t stop shaking, and my patio looks like the aftermath of a mob hit.
Have you ever had to kill a snake or giant spider, etc… and had difficulty calming yourself down? What did you do to help yourself relax?
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135 Answers
I’d clean it, cut it up and put it in the freezer. Then pull it out to fry up at the 4th of July picnic.
My heart rate doesn’t change at alllll….—heh heh heeeeeeeh. ;)
@WestRiverrat Too late, I already dug a hole and buried it’s still moving body. Shaking and sweating like a chicken bitch the whole time.
I’m very impressed by you snake-killing prowess.
Dude, I whacked it with a shovel. And it struck the freaking shovel. And I squealed. I’m not that impressed with myself, LOL!
I think I’m in shock or something; it’s been 30 minutes and I’m still shaking. And I totally lost my appetite, which rarely happens to me. Perhaps I’ll take a xanax and sink into a really hot bath. I’m such a chicken. :D
All I can do is feel for you @WillWorkForChocolate. Take some deep breath’s or have a glass of wine (it always works for me). Know that you are brave and can do what you have to do when the need arises. I’m proud of you.
Ah…poor snake! Poor you, too. (thanks. before I saw the more and realized it was a serious question you caused me to spit beer on my keyboard! Again!)
Violence is always scary, Nina. At least for me. Deep breath….
I fought with a huge white duck once. It was a draw. I calmed myself by sitting down.
Damn man, you went all Spartacus on a big ass snake with a shovel? The hell did you do with it?
Hmm…maybe try taking a nice warm bath, and see if that helps out? Grab the wine while you’re at it. Or…that might make it feel like a celebration, which is probably not called for.
@AmWiser Thank you love. I’m not very proud of myself for squealing in front of my kids, but oh well. Oh, something relaly cool- my oldest was standing somewhat close to me, armed with this huge tree branch, ready to hit the snake if it struck out at mommy, LOL. She’s my hero!
@Symbeline I think I may go for the wine anyway. :D
@Dutchess_III You know how much I love to make you spit beer on your keyboard. :P
Ssssssssssounds sssssssstressful, sssssoooooo sssssssorrry! :-(
i used to kill big mosquitoes with a soft air pistol at point blank range for fun and drop glue on some others and watched them solidify and die.
If you take a Xanax, make sure you don’t fall asleep in the bath please… I took mine with a couple beers once and I almost fell asleep in my truffle mac n cheese at a restaurant.
But hey, I wasn’t shaking . . .
I went shore fishing with my old girlfriend and carried this black gym bag with all our stuff. After a few hours of fishing I pickled up our stuff and headed to the car….I feel my bag jump and I look down and this 6’ Bull Snake comes peeling out of my bag right in front of me!! I screamed like a 5th grade girl….my old girlfriend passed out and needless to say an underwear change was due all around snake included!
Next one she’s gonna catch, @Coloma, and drop it off in your 5 acres!
LOL! on the tags!
Um….how long did it take you to ‘pickle’ up your stuff.
I bet the gym bag was pickled, in piss. lol
I don’t think they have swamps where she lives. Just everything is bigger there!
I am most impressed!! We don’t see snakes here really. I’d scream, grab the kids and run!!
personally I don’t think I could get it out of my mind, but I don’t think it phases Casey Anthony in the least
Why did you kill it? I assume it wasn’t poisonous.
Dude, I wouldn’t call it murder, but I have dispatched more than one critter and several among those would be considered quite dangerous (In that they would likely do me long term permanent damage if I didn’t “win”). Things like rattlesnakes, ferrel hogs, etc…
So… heres the deal. What you have going on is an overdose of adrenaline. The best thing you can do for yourself is get rid of as much excess fluid as you can. URINATE!!!!! Gross as it sounds, having a puke wouldn’t hurt either.
Replace the fluids with water or a “sports drink”.
Calm the “F” down!!! (don’t make me slap you!) You did a job that you felt like needed doing. Now, get on with your life.
As a side note, what’s done is done and I don’t question your decision. However, next time ask yourself what real harm the critter is doing. True many have been condition to think of snakes and large spiders as “icky vermin that must be dispatched”, but truth is they do us a service. The shakes keep things like mice and rats in check and the spiders eat other “icky” bugs. You wouldn’t club your exterminator in the head with a shovel if he showed up unexpectedly would you?
Have some chocolate Chocolate. It’ll make you feel better honey.
When I was a kid I used to feed ants with sugar or bread scratch and watch them carry it to their home. I felt guilty if one of them crawl on my hand and I have to squish it so I try best to put it to the right place. Now every so often I will have to squish ants since many of them could reach my skin and I won’t feel guilty about it. It’s part of nature. The stronger species will live. I can also kill roaches without any hesitations.
Wow, great story… You whack the snake, which totally took some gumption right there, and you probably expect…“shovel meets snake, end of story” but “it struck at the shovel” OMG! that would send the adrenaline coursing. And you kept it together enough to finish the job. Good focus I’d say.
Afterward I would be a wreck, how primal does it get, eh? I think @YoBob has some good advice for purging the after effects and considerring the threat of the snake and maybe get to know your local snake types and whether they’re friend or foe.
If I have to kill a bug I’m melancholy (been know to catch and release). Dispatching a big critter like that would bump it up a notch or two. But I would do it if it were threatening one of my own critters.
I have never had to murder a snake or any other living creature (thank god!). I suspect though, it would take me a long time to calm down. Your adrenalin levels must be crazy high.
Wow I think my heart rate sped up just reading that! You’re braver than I, @WillWorkForChocolate. Honestly, booze. The only thing that gets my heart rate down.
I wouldn’t have killed it, because I generally like snakes, but…
per Mark Twain:
“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear.”
Good on you for facing your fear.
Put me down for lurvin’ the topics, too.
By the question, I thought you got mad at an officer who tried to give you a ticket and killed him. That happens to me all the time.But now I know you just kill snakes that I would’ve kept as a pet. Better, I guess.
It was the kids, wasn’t it. I guess I could attack anything if I felt my kids were in danger.
I scared off a big rattlesnake once that had my cat pinned behind my barn.
I blasted it with the turbo nozzle on my hose. THAT was scary enough!
Um. Nina. My husband said to tell you that if you kill a snake before sunset, the head will look for the body and if it finds it before dark it’ll go back together and it’ll come after who ever kilt it. It’s true. Better check your grave.
@Dutchess_III I’m feeling pretty glad there aren’t that many snakes here in Britain after reading that little tidbit ;)
Oh, I can send you lots of snakes and lizards. Maybe Britain needs some new species, like Pacific Diamond back rattlers. lol
@queenieYeah…as long as it didn’t happen in Texas she’ll probably be fine.
Hey…I got owls I can donate to Britain! We have, like, 10 of them in our yard every night!
@crisw It had a pointy head, which made me assume it WAS poisonous. Regardless, I killed it because my kids play on the patio all the time, they were screaming their heads off, and I don’t have any way to trap a snake and then release it somewhere.
It was either kill it or leave it alone. And since I DO have kids and it DID have a pointy head, leaving it alone wasn’t an option.
@everyone else- I combined a glass of wine, a xanax and a hot bath. I’m feeling much better now, thank you.
Well, that’s a given, LOL.
Wish we could give lurve for topics.
Good job! It takes me a while to calm down from stuff like that. But you were protecting your homestead! It’s not murder in self defense from a killer snake.
I’ve had a baby rattler strike at a shovel I was holding as a weapon against it. Scared the shit out of me ‘til I chopped it in half.
Murder? Haven’t done it.
Killed? what trouble, simple logic, kill before killed.
Murder is the wrong word. I thought this was a joke question at first.
I feel bad when I disturb the ant colonies with my gardening, I could never kill a snake like that. Crazy violent. No wonder you can’t calm down. Smoke a joint. That’ll work.
I find that genocide is much less stressful than murder. Exterminating ants or fruit flies is barely a bother despite how annoying it is to have them in the house. Hunting down a spider after it goes slinking out of sight, however, can be a real chore. And if it’s a giant spider in an unexpected place, I wind up with the added task of searching for egg sacs. Unpleasant.
If it’s only about rats / snakes / insects etc etc I don’t need to calm down after because I’m calm while I’m doing the deed.
I haven’t killed something larger than a dog so I wouldn’t know how I would react though I’m pretty sure I’d be calm.
I once killed a giant wolf spider by poking it with a long pointy piece of wood (it was in a spot I couldn’t get to any other way). When it died, a freaking swarm of baby spiders spewed out, running all over the damn place. I immediately froze and screamed my head off. I had to be rescued by my (then) husband which of course pissed me off to no end. I am woman, hear me roar whimper. I had the shakes after that, too. I was also terrified of spiders for a good long while after that. I see a snake phobia in your future, girlie!
@augustlan HA! That just happened to me last week. I smushed a huge wolf spider and her babies tried to take me down. I couldn’t scream because it was late at night and my kiddos were asleep… so I whimpered and made eewwwwww noises while I stepped on them all.
And I already have a spider phobia, haha! One of my best friends found me a t-shirt that says, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… and spiders.” I think I need one for snakes now.
Now THAT is just gross @augustlan!
@tinyfaery All by my self, me and I, I couldn’t do it either..but if I thought my kids were in danger I know that I could, and would…..that and worse.
I guess if one of my cats were in danger I’d try to scare it off, but I still wouldn’t behead it with a shovel.
A cat is different than a child. Two stray dogs attacked one of my two dogs last weekend. I was so freaked out, I didn’t know what to do. I just froze. Fortunately my other dog, an otherwise VERY gentle German Shepherd, knew just what to do and sent them packing in a matter of seconds. The violence left me shaking, like Chocolate.
If it had been one of my children who had been attacked by those dogs I guarantee you I would not have frozen. I’d have moved instantly, put myself in the middle of it come hell or high water, swinging, punching, choking, biting…if I’d had a shovel within reach, I guarantee you I’d be attempting to behead them. Whatever it took to get my child out of there.
Pets and children. Not comparable.
@Dutchess_III Blah, blah. Heard that all before by people with children. Guess what? People often treat their pets better than their children. You have no idea what my cats means to me so don’t presume and I won’t presume to know how you feel about your offspring. Mmmkay?
Can we sheath the claws FFS?
But you just said that one of your cats was in danger from a snake you’d try to “scare it off.” What if you didn’t succeed? Go get another cat after a while? My sister feels the same way about her pets. I understand it to a certain extent, because I know how I felt when my 15 year old dog died. She was part of the family. For several years after that I could hear her collar tinkle and her claws coming across the floor…all in my mind. My sister doesn’t know that there is a feeling so beyond that that she can’t imagine. I know your feelings are very strong, so I’ll say no more.
Oh, and just a tiny update: my hubby partially dug the snake up to see what it looked like, and he says it’s a copperhead. Good thing I whacked it.
Copperhead! AAAACK! Hope your heart rate has settled down.
I love that the title question could catch anyone’s attention from a mile away. Nice, good job @WillWorkForChocolate. As far as your body is concerned you just had a struggle/fight for your life, so ya, I bet the adrenalin is running pretty strong and high.
The fact that your facing these monsters in spite of your fears is the definition of courage, even if you eeek and yell your way through it.
Am I the only one here that’s not surprised that @WillWorkForChocolate had it in her to destroy the giant ravening beast? Geez, I see her take down nasty snakes every day right here on Fluther! I’m proud of you, my girl, hope you’re better today!
Hey, I saved Jellies from a horrid spider last weekend, bravely with just a shoe and some moxie…I’m pretty brave, too!
LOL you guys. I did almost pee my pants when it struck the shovel, so that takes a few of my brave points away, haha. And I only did it because it was so huge and it had a pointy head. If it’d been a little grass snake, I would have just picked it up and tossed it way in the back yard under our fig tree (with the other bodies I’ve been hiding…) BUT, if my hubby had been home, I would have been yelling for him to whack it, so that takes a way a few more points. =0)
@Dutchess_III OH DEAR GOD! Yes, but darker. omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg, where’s my xanax?????????????
@JilltheTooth Yeah…I’d take a shovel to something like that lurking on my deck where my kids played!
I’m not looking at any more of your links, young lady! Ima go swimmin wit my kids now.
Watch out for watersnakes! Better take the shovel!
It’s just a tiny pool… enough to cool off in. No need for shovels. Although I did use the kids’ butterfly nets to skim the grass and leaves out, haha. If anything creepy pops up, I’ll just whack it with the hard end of the net, teehee.
I found a snake in the baby pool once.
I’m afraid to shower, now, without my shovel.
When I had a pool I found both snakes and rats in it at times. (maybe five times altogether over 15 years). They drowned but it still creeped me out. I don’t like snakes OR rats.
Pssssst! @JilltheTooth I’ve been sleeping with that shovel. I think my husband’s getting jealous.
I may have to dig a shovel out of the garage, I’m always a little startled at the beasties that take refuge in suburbia during and after a big storm….
Wanna borrow mine? It’s already had blood on it.
I want my own tale of derring-do with fresh blood, thanks… ;-)
Oh, cool! I just figured you wouldn’t want to bloody up a pretty, clean shovel! :P
This question makes me laugh when I see it!
I know, right? I’m still cracking up!
Ladies, I’m gonna have to ask you to stop laughing at me…. Don’t make me get my shovel!! :P
My sister tells me I have a pointy head…guess I’m in trouble now!!! ;-D
I think this question needs some type of award for having that “get your attention” to the tenth degree quality to it. Love it. Hey @WillWorkForChocolate did you throw the dead carcass in the frizzer?
@JilltheTooth No worries, unless I find you threatening my kids on the patio.
@choreplay Eewww, no snake carcass in my frizzer, thank you very much. I’ve eaten frog legs, I’ve eaten shark, I’ve eaten squid and oysters (I don’t recommend the oysters! <vomit>), but I have to draw the line somewhere, and there will be no eating of snake.
Did you at least peel it to make a belt?
No, I was too disturbed with the fact that it continued to slither around, even after I’d chopped it’s head off. I picked it up with our barbeque tongs and got rid of it before I had a panic attack in front of the kids, LOL!!
@WillWorkForChocolate Eewwww, hope you cleaned the barbeque tongs before using them again. About the frizzer, I just wanted to display that I now know what it is and how to use it in a sentence. lol.
@choreplay Yay! Glad you got to experience the awesomeness that is the frizzer. And yes, I bleached the hell out of those tongs and ran them through the dishwasher about 3 or 4 times before reusing them, LOL.
@JilltheTooth You have a pointy head? Chocolate can sure fix that for you, and it won’t cost you anything but a slight headache!
Nah, @Dutchess_III , she removes the pointy head. I’d kinda like to leave mine where it is…
lol!! Well, since she likes you I was kinda thinking she could just give it a good whack with her trusty shovel!
I would NEVER whack @JilltheTooth!! How dare you even suggest that? I’m shocked!
Okay, maybe I’m not shocked because that sounds like something I’d like to do to some people…...... but never @JilltheTooth and never you, @Dutchess_III either!! Twit! <3
You’d whack me in the butt and you know you would! Hey! Wisemama’s here! She’s Size7 or something..
From killing rodents to whacking tush, wow…
Hey…we’re murderers. We gots no boundaries!
Wanna hear something funny? I’m playing this game called Zombie Lane on facebook and one of my zombie killing weapons is… guess what….... a frigging shovel!!! How funny is that?
What do you do when someone in the mob sends you a request for Mob Wars on Facebook?
I went to high school in New York (Long Island), so let’s just say I MAY have known some characters that were, assumption on my part, low level mob. Well move forward 20 years to the age of facebook, I start adding friends, including a few that MAY have been associated with the mob. Well one of them sent me a game request for mob wars and I was thinking, I really don’t want to play mob wars against you soooo, I’ll just pass. lol.
I think I have Mob Wars blocked.
Haha, this deserves an award for the most misleading/intriguing question ever asked.
Ummm, I dunno. I didn’t play any fb games until a few days ago, except the individual ones like Bubble Pop and so on… I just started playing Zombie Lane and Vampire Wars this week.
Tough room. I play a game with frogs and it’s very soothing. And on the face of it, that’s a bizarre sentence. I need to go to bed, now.
This week I have been vacuuming up fruit flies that prospered on a dish of cut fresh fruit (bird food) left out a few days while we had evacuated (with the bird of course!) from NYC/Zone A for Hurricane Irene.
I am saddened at the buggicide :-( but I will continue until I until colony die out.
Awwww, mass buggicide. :D
:( We’re not talking about SNAKES!!! anymore
I am so glad this came back up today. I lurve this Q!
You know… I see several comments about funny topics that I labeled this with, but they got modded off. I really wish I remembered what I listed. :(
@SavoirFaire Ahhh, I see. I thought it was the mods who removed strange topics. =0)
HA HA! I needed to see this again today! Oh no! They modded the topics!
I highly recommend posting the topics down here so everyone can remember them.
I can see the topic edits (which definitely needed doing, but still), so I’ll list them here for your enjoyment:
> post traumatic stress
> scaredy cat
> don’t fuck with my patio dammit I have little girls
and my personal favorite…
> i kilt me a snake wit a shovel
Thank you, @augustlan ! A good thing, the morning belly-laugh!
Ooh, thank you Auggie! Yes, now I remember giggling over that last one. I shall have to remember to put “topics” like that in my question details so they can stay. :D
I…just had to bring this one back for some reason!
Tell us the truth, @Dutchess_III, did you do it because you need some help calming down from a murder you committed today?
Let me know if you need some help hiding the bodies…
Or under the swimming pool.
No, there’s too many babbys under there already.
Good point, shell just run.
Snakeacide and bugacide? My, the things I have missed by not being here sooner!
You have no idea @Here2_4! You HAVE seen the frizzer question, haven’t you?
@Dutchess_III – My first visit to the watering hole, someone mentioned a few things which led me to search old avatars, and who is gone, who is still here. They mentioned a few, and checking them out led me on quite the tour.
I think the individual was hinting that they have been here longer than it would seem. I didn’t find anything to support that, but I did find many interesting and, ... unusual topics and conversations. I get the idea that who was in the watering hole with me has been actually involved with Fluther for several years, shedding avatars when they get too tight, like a snakeskin.
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