Meta Question

mazingerz88's avatar

If all Fluther jellies went on a cruise what do you think will happen?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) June 7th, 2011

Would the ship be able to reach its destination without a huge tidal wave wash over it? Would it be like a Love Boat episode or salmonella will breakout forcing the jellies to make port in the same island as Lost?

Would the Mods check each cabin for brownies and confiscate them? Only for the brownies to show up next morning at the breakfast buffet, half-bit? Which jelly would stay in the cabin 24 hours luring crewmembers in, never to get out?

Would @blackberry drink all the beer along with @josie? Would @KatetheGreat seduce the Captain so she could drive the ship to Antarctica? And what about @queenie and @lucillelucillelucille, would they end up so wasted, @john65pennington will be forced to handcuffed them to a railing as @noelleptc belts out a Lady Gaga song in the ship’s ampitheater?

Would Leonardo and Kate show up, do their number in front of the ship with @symbeline pushing them off? I think my ultimate question is, is this going to be one heck of trip or what?

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84 Answers

Jude's avatar

I end up waking up from a drunken stupor, in a cabin bed with Fiddle and Nessuh. Sans pants and one pastie barely hanging on.

wundayatta's avatar

Mud wrestling!

Mikewlf337's avatar

…and this came from where? Why would they confiscate my brownies? I’m sure fluther would lose some members due to the fact that they would be keel hauled by other members. I doubt it would be a pleasant cruise due to the fact that some people on here are insufferable.

Blackberry's avatar

I’d try my damndest to get into the pants of various female jellies (sorry, but I really would).

Coloma's avatar

I’d be a good part of the onboard entertainment, with my quick wit and humor and verbosity, not to mention my champagne cocktails and happy brownies.

Everyone would say ” Wow, that Coloma, she sails at about 500 knots with no tailwind needed!” hahaha

rebbel's avatar

The jellyfish in the ocean wouldn’t believe their eyes…., hundreds of partying Jellies on a boat.

erichw1504's avatar

A lot of nekked pancake parties would be had.

Judi's avatar

They would have to bring all the pancakes out of the frizzer!

Strauss's avatar

Not to mention the cakes, and the burritoes!

JLeslie's avatar

I really want to go on this cruise, but I am not going near @Blackberry, although I doubt I am one of the jellies he is thinking of in his statement, still I don’t even want to know these things.

Now, who is going to plan this trip? Somewhere tropical please.

Judi's avatar

Ans we know what you look like @Blackberry so we know who to steer clear of!!

Blackberry's avatar

What if I change my avatar to George Clooney?

Judi's avatar

to late.

JLeslie's avatar

@Blackberry You’re good looking, the photo wouldn’t matter. Plus, I never understood why people think George Clooney is so great looking?

Now, when is this cruise?

Coloma's avatar


Are you the official cruise director? haha
Yep, I second tropical..maybe Bahamas or Bali, or Filji or Costa Rica.

I want a balcony cabin please. ;-)

Facade's avatar

Lots o’ sex, alcohol, and drugs. Then we’d all swear we had intellectual conversations the whole time.

JLeslie's avatar

@Facade GA!

@coloma me too, balcony suite. As I get older I want to splurge.

Blackberry's avatar

Can we stop by Roatan, too?

AshLeigh's avatar

We’d start off with a riot.
Then a rave.
And then I’d make you all start a mosh pit with me. :)
You know you want tooooooooooo. ;)

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

In looking at the “Fluther Map” of where Jellies live, and people please send John Powell a note to be added, I vote for the cruise to start in Australia, head to Hawaii, and then on to San Fransisco, where we raid the Fluther headquarters.

There will be nametags with our real first names and the user name, as well as a Fluther t-shirt waiting in each cabin. During the cruise, sessions will be offered based upon our fields of expertise. It would support the Fluther motto of Tap Into The Collective.

There should also be talent shows. Amidst us are comedians, the musically inclined, and actors, to name a few talents.

Each day, there would be a meal served based upon what was common in one Jelly’s region.

yankeetooter's avatar

Apparently we’d all be in our cabins most of the time, on the computer talking on this site…

JLeslie's avatar

Ha, if we were all together it might mean the site has much less usage for a week. Could hurt the business.

zenvelo's avatar

I’ll meet you by the orange tree on the poop deck.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Fluther Map My apology friends…again, please contact John Powell on this link if you want your location added.

flutherother's avatar

I see from the map that @ucme has gone for a cruise already but he seems to be on his own.

josie's avatar

Skinny dipping after midnight

ucme's avatar

That’s no cruise, it’s a fucking oil rig!
Seen that ages ago, obviously an error but a nice one, so there I stay.

wundayatta's avatar

Amazing the number of jellies who think there would be sex. I guess they don’t say we put the “ass” in fantasy for nuthin’.

Well, far be it from me to stop you younguns from having some good dirty fun!

Blueroses's avatar

Set sail for Tortuga! Yo Ho Ho, where’s the rum?

KateTheGreat's avatar

We’d have a pretty rad time.

I’d smoke some joints with a few of my favorite jellies, drink heavily with the others, and maybe try to steer the ship on my own! ;)

And sex, of course.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah…the trip would probably be more interesting than the destination. Hope there’s people left other than me after I start pushing people off the ship…XD

I’m gonna spend my time raiding the minibar and break into Vunessuh, Blueroses and Queenie’s private chambers and steal all their panties.

Mikewlf337's avatar

Here are a list of things I would do on the cruise.

turn on Rush Limbaugh and turn it up loud to piss of the Liberals.
Hold a prayer to piss off the Atheists.
Grill steaks to piss of the Vegetarians and Vegans.
Run an eternal combustion to piss off the Environmentalists.
Then I would fart while being thrown overboard by the Liberals, Atheists, Vegetarians, Vegans, and Environmentalists as they will keel haul me to death after I pissed them all off.

Actually I am just kidding. It’s all in good fun. To be honest. I would smoke some joints with KatetheGreat and get drunk with Blackberry and you will all find me more likable than I appear on here. :)

PS. I would pray but I would pray by myself as I do everyday. I would also eat steak and any carnivore can join me in the feast!

MilkyWay's avatar

I’d definitley lose my virginity.
And have cream and strawberry jam scones with @KatetheGreat :D

MilkyWay's avatar

@Symbeline You’ve already taken my pink ones, haven’t you? hmm?

Berserker's avatar

@queenie And you’ll never see them again! unless you undress me Mwaaahahaha!

MilkyWay's avatar

@Symbeline You wanna go somewhere a bit more private darlin? ;)

Berserker's avatar

@queenie Sure, I think I saw some antique trucks in the bottom of the ship we can get epic in…:D

mazingerz88's avatar

I will draw everybody naked. Oh yeah, I forgot I can’t draw. I’ll just do full body paints for everybody then, using spray paint for guys and hand applied melted chocolate for the women. Ohhh yeah…go picture that in your head…. : )

MilkyWay's avatar

@mazingerz88 Mmm chocolate XD
@Symbeline I want my panties back now :P

Berserker's avatar

@queenie Cum and get em! ’‘runs into the antique truck haha’’ :D

@mazingerz88 Don’t stain my pillows! XD

mazingerz88's avatar

@queenie No worries. Forget the undies. I’ll just paint them on. Thong?

MilkyWay's avatar

(Runs after @Symbeline .) Give me back my panties you!
@mazingerz88 Chocolate thong?

Berserker's avatar

I just ate a bunch of banana pepper chunks and my mouth is burning.

Which is also something that would occur on this hypothetical cruise.

mazingerz88's avatar

@queenie What else, chocolate painted thongs! : )

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Party! I’d turn the indoor bowling alley into a shooting room, for guns.

Berserker's avatar

@Neizvestnaya Jess dun fuck up the arcade machines with your gat dang guns yall!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

@Symbeline: I’ve been told by others I’m a weirdo for not drinking while shooting.~

Mikewlf337's avatar

Arcade and guns, Reminds me of that old Terminator 2 Arcade game.

Berserker's avatar

That, or Lethal Enforcers.

AshLeigh's avatar

I’d be sure not to be pushed off, on acount of I cannot swim. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

I think we should confiscate any weapons on boarding the ship. Just in case anyone feels that a zombie war is the right way to go.

Berserker's avatar

…it isn’t?

MilkyWay's avatar

@Bellatrix LOL, do you have any idea how many jellies here own weapons?

Berserker's avatar

…that’s gonna sink like Atlantis full of rocks, man. :D

mazingerz88's avatar

@Symbeline I’ll bring it aboard the ship in the cargo hold and inside, paint a woman in the nude. : )

KateTheGreat's avatar

If you take my weapons, I’m going to punch you in the throat! Hehehe.

Mikewlf337's avatar

Laying all jokes aside. I think it would be one huge argument from start to finish. I don’t think any get together would work for fluther.

Blueroses's avatar

@Mikewlf337 Aw, c’mon now. Add a little social lubricant (aka open bar) to the fact that most of us are much more polite in person than when we are safely behind a terminal screen.

MilkyWay's avatar

Flogging :D

wundayatta's avatar

@Blueroses Put enough booze in me to make me loosen up, and you’ve put enough booze in me to knock me out cold. I might be able to meet one person at a time, but if I were on that ship, I’d jump over the side and swim away as fast as I could. Of course, everyone would be so busy partying and having sex and whatnot, no one would notice. I think I won’t bother to board in the first place.

jonsblond's avatar

Blondesjon and I are going to kidnap @Coloma and her brownies and get lost in Tortola. Screw the ship, I hate confined spaces. Anyone want to join us? :D

Bellatrix's avatar

@jonsblond, I thought you two were off to the future on a holiday? I think we should all go on a road trip.

Blueroses's avatar

@Bellatrix Ooh, road trip! Can we take Priscilla, Queen of the Desert?

mazingerz88's avatar

Road trip is fine but be sure to be back to port before the ship leaves! : )

wundayatta's avatar

Will we play truth or dare? Will we turn all judgmentalism off?

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@wundayatta Does this mean that you are reconsidering joining the cruise? I hope so. The Truth or Dare games will be optional. As for the judgement, that’s not so easy to control. Maybe guidelines should be set up where it is only allowed in rooms where forums are set up for discussions/debates. Outside of these areas, anyone caught judging another is required to walk the plank.

mazingerz88's avatar

Jeez, discussion and debates still? On a cruise? Ok, I’m in as long as one only gets to make any statement while whooshing down a steep waterslide. : )

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

@mazingerz88 While I would be willing to vote for that, how likely is it to happen when a bunch of Jellies are together? Offer the opportunity in a controlled environment. One can opt in or out. Maybe it is only me, but I’d love to sit in on some of these discussions.

wundayatta's avatar

I’ve never played truth or dare. So it would be a novel experience for me. Also, I’ve never been on a cruise. I don’t know if I would like it. I’ve been on sailboats, but not giant cruise ships. Where would we go? Panama canal? Alaska? The Balkans? What kind of food will there be? Will there be meet and greets? Will we get to meet our favorite jellies without actually having to admit they are favorites? Will there be jelly rules? Like you have to act in person as you act on fluther?

Sigh. If I asked “Alaska?” as a fluther question, and offered no supporting details, what would happen?

JLeslie's avatar

@wundayatta You would like it.

wundayatta's avatar

@JLeslie Why on earth would you think I’d like it? Do like hotels? no. Do I crowds of people everywhere? No. Do I like resort “all you can eat” food? No. Do I like being herded hither thither and you and being told I have to be back at the ship at some specific point in time? No.

Do I like conferences? Not really. Usually they are pretty lonely experiences for me. I do not like sleeping in a bed that is not mine, especially if it is not also occupied by my bed partner.

So go ahead. Give me some reasons why I might like a cruise. I dare you!

JLeslie's avatar

@wundayatta First, why can’t your wife come along? Second, I did not realize all of those negatives about being with people were part of your personality. You seem very spcial, talkative, and people love to hear what you have to say. Hanging out in the sun, while with the people you like to interact with sounded good to me, while at the same time being able to go back to my room or have a private dinner with my spouse if I feel like it. But, if you are sure you would hate it, I am not here to argue, I trust you. Cruises have less decision making and less stress than other vacations, because you don’t have to drive, or spend a lot of time deciding where to eat.

Bellatrix's avatar

And @Wundy… don’t they have shuffleboard? I have never played shuffleboard. That HAS to be good.

wundayatta's avatar

I’m sorry. I’m being kind of mean. I will withdraw from the ship and try not to spoil your fun again.

I’d say an alternative to a cruise would be to hold a barbecue, but the last time I held a barbecue the only people who showed up were my boss and his wife. That was a bit awkward.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah but was the food good? Fuck people, it’s all about spicy German hotdogs, man. :)

jonsblond's avatar

@Symbeline I agree. Food and beer is where it’s at. :D

Berserker's avatar

Some people believe in God, I believe in what you just said. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

Gives @Wundy a huge hug. We would come to your barbecue. Especially if there were great hotdogs there :-)

Berserker's avatar

Hell yeah. Dun worry bout the beer, I got that covered. :)

Strauss's avatar

And as far as the “resort-all-you-can-eat” food, there’ll be none o’that stuff with my wondrous “Jelly Burritos”!

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