[NSFW] Women, what male characteristics make you want to tear your clothes off?
I was reading the question about whether sexiness can be learned, and I started to wonder what makes men sexy to women. That other question seemed mainly addressed towards women.
I’m sure the usual suspects will be mentioned, such as confidence, but lets take it one step further. What does a man do that makes you think he is confident? What does a man do that make you think he is any of the other characteristics that you find sexy?
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33 Answers
A big schlong.
Men who aren’t cocky. Sense of humor and shyness are sexy to me. Obedient guys (when it comes to sex).
It has to be a mental connection for me if its going to work for me
@creative1 What do you mean when you say, “mental connection?”
Need to be able to talk to them, I have to feel as though I can learn something
With me physical isn’t really in the equation, there is probably some but for me I need my mind stimulated more than anything else
I have a thing for dark hair lol. But, really if I have a great conversation with a guy, and he seems interested in me, my thoughts, and I find him interesting it is so sexy. I pretty much never feel like I am willing to just tear my clothes off right away, or at least not with them. Any way, it is once I have some time with the person getting to know them, their mind, their openness. Open minded and willing to listen is sexy.
If it is purely physical, which I don’t think I would be willing to act on in realty, but purely physical, it is usually dark hair or no hair, olive complexion, and nice clothing. More of a DKNY Calcine Klein look than a preppy look generally.
@JLeslie I’m interested in what is really sexy, not just physically sexy.
@creative1 Um. Exactly just how stimulated did you want your mind to get? Hmmmm? Inquiring minds want to know.
@wundayatta Do you feel I did not answer that? Great conversation and he is interested in me, in what I have to say, and he has experience and opinions I am interested in.
I find aggressive attitudes sexy
I am such a sucker for blue eyes…. and my hubby has the MOST stunning blue eyes…. think Daniel Craig only more so lol. Honestly he can, even now after almost 30 years together, make my heart skip just by looking at me in a certain way :-)
I love a gentleness of spirit, a calmness of nature, a quiet, confident strength. A man who is sure of himself, without being cocky or full of himself. A man who is sensitive to those around him, and caring enough to want to help where he can. The feeling that no matter what, this man will care for me.
Again, my husband has all of these things by the barrel load and I adore him for it. He’s stood by me (like when I was ill) when most men would have ran a mile. Held me when I cried myself to sleep, told me I’m beautiful when I know I look like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards. Surprises me with little gifts that only he’d know I’d love, but most of all its what I see in his eyes when he looks at me. God knows why, but he loves me and I’m the luckiest little bunny in the world :-)
huggles honey xx
Their bo donk donk and abs.
@JLeslie I was answering your implied question—you gave two answers one about real sexiness and the other about physical sexiness. I was just saying I wanted the former. I did not mean to imply you hadn’t answered the question.
@Facade I’m just guessing here, but I think she wanted to know what you meant by “aggressive attitude.” Like an example or something.
Not pictures of their genitalia.
@Facade Aggressive attitude? Aggressive about what? Everything? Or, career? How a man pursues you? I am not one for aggressive, I like assertive, and I like forward, honest, shooting straight from the hip. I am not into coy, but aggressive seemed very strong to me. It sounds almost like pushy, which I do not like. But, that is me. I just wondered how you were defining aggressive and what exactly you are thinking when you say it.
@marinelife LOL, true!
To me, wanting to tear a person’s clothes off is very specific to the person. It starts with a confident, easygoing approach, such as starting a normal, non-sexual conversation about a shared interest. It’s nice if a guy finds me attractive, but I don’t want to know about that until later, once we’ve established some kind of rapport.
The rapport and companionship between us is what really makes me want to tear a person’s clothes off. I’m not talking about the “just friends” zone, but about someone who’s confident enough to be a lover but considerate enough to be a friend. I can’t be attracted to someone if there’s no mutual respect. Shared interests are important, and I like partners who are somewhat quiet/thoughtful, but otherwise it’s all up in the air.
A man who looks like a real man.
None of that Adam Lambert shit, I’m talking about beefy, brawny, hairy, tall, and strong men.
No offence to those who like Adam Lambert. It’s just a matter of personal preference.
Don’t be shy, ladies. I won’t mind if you mention my super-awesome chest hair.
@JLeslie Oh, see I didn’t even take any of that into consideration. I was referring to sex and sexual activities, as that’s the only time I’d be turned on as (I assume) the question was referencing. So by aggressive attitude, I mean a man who takes charge in bed, and who’s willing to manhandle me =)
@wundayatta I am pretty good with talking to people and know shortly on meeting someone if they would ever have a shot at me or not just by talking to them. If I find I have to explain things to them then it won’t work but if I find I am intrigued all the time talking to you and am always asking more and more questions its a pretty good sign. Be for warned men I have a high sex drive and when I say high I mean high, when I am having sex I never get enough with that partner. It has nothing to do with self esteem its just I crave it and get energy from sex and love it.
Good humour, the ability to make me laugh, a gorgous smile and… sweet cute eyes.
@marinelife: BAM!
Arms, the way they walk, carry themselves, talk to others…
A great sense of humor. I usually also gravitate to guys that are taller than me. Manly looking men too. Classic handsome.
When we are in a room full of people and he is the center of attention, but he looks at me and smiles, reminding me I am the center of his attention.
I’m getting all giddy thinking about it. Gotta go tear my clothes of now. ;)
Ever seen a James Bond film? Posture, body, voice, mature enough charm to let the serious sexuality sizzle instead of trying to diffuse it with clowning, fidgeting around and not choosing words carefully. I’m not talking about the cheesy Roger Moore years, think Sean Connery and Daniel Craig striding to shore from the ocean, holding gaze, moving slow but purposefully to let all eyes rest on them. Yeow!
@Facade I see. Thanks for clarifying.
Competence, intelligence, and good arms.
I can’t really put a finger on it. It’s all about the guy’s personal charisma.
Though, once, I did see a guy at a concert that looked like one of my old D&D characters. The idea of banging the figment of my own imagination was really tempting.
First off I’d like to say that I’d vastly prefer for him to tear my clothes off! That said, I agree with creative1 that a mental, and especailly emotional connection is very important. There needs to be mutual respect and admiration. I need to feel seen, and feel that he has a desire to really know me, experience me as a person. The person to person connection is so paramount. I mean, it doesn’t have to be some great cosmic connection, sometimes you are attracted to someone simply because they are your physical type, but this is not usually a memorable or intense experience. Confidence is good but too much confidence can be mere empty bravado. A man who hasn’t an ounce of misogyny in him is very attractive to me. Further, a man who can be aggressive in bed yet comfortable with his more gentle side is very appealing to me. How do you know all this before you tear you clothes off? ha, well, you have to trust your intuition to an extent. All of what is sexy to me has to be genuine. Honesty and curiosity are the most sexy things to me. I just don’t want to be his next “score”.
The way he talks to me can make “all the difference in the world”.
So, turns out I have a huge thing for gay guys.
Don’t know what it is, but from my earliest Doogie Howser days to the high school crush, to even my most recent innocent extramarital crush, the guys I like most want other guys. Why do you suppose that is?
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