Fact from fiction, truth from diction. OK, you ”lurve whores” and I say that with all affection, really, I only game by to give all those brave enough, or stupid enough depending on who you ask, to show up your lurve. Frankly I am surprise to see some of you here especially when I seem like the biggest tick under your collar or the biggest buff in your shoe. Plus I still seen the stack of timbers and gasoline I provided out by the front door has virtually gone untouched. I thought for sure you got the message to BYOM (bring your own matches) and went flaming away (not is a gay sense so don’t ruffle your feather, I meant lighting things up). I had a special made fare retardant suit ready for when I handed you all your lurve (never know if I spell that right)
@Blueroses. I kinda suspected you or @jonsblond would have beat out Future and @KatetheGreat ….(sorry @FutureMemory….tried to give you the heads up, there is always the 20k)
@bkcunningham When you use that machete you have stashed behind you, pleas, a quick chop to the neck, I don’t want to suffer. ;-)
@filmfann Fat from fitness, Tooth from Dickless *Love it!! Brilliant!
@SavoirFaire I have never heard Gilbert Gottfried that way, I guess now he is not the Aflac duck anymore he don’t have to duck what he says or how he says it.
@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard Tact from friction, dereliction! Good one. Surprised you are here, but honored, we never talk.
@Cruiser Congrats on getting blind sided and dragged into the mansion! Of course they had to blindside me. They never would have gotten me in this place without it. Took me so long to get here this dump is in foreclosure already. The roof leaks, the doors creak, the pool has a leak and don’t hold water, the tennis court has no net, the basketball court has no hoop, the kitchen smells of gas (don’t light anything in there), the 5 car garage is filled with someone else’s junk, the yard as more crabgrass then meth labs in the Ozarks, and to top all of that there is toxic mold in the walls.
Now I have said what I said until we meet again in your threads (I know you are dreading that) just take an aspirin 1st and don’t throw rotten food. I will pass back through disguised as the butler, to hand out the lurve to the late comers, wait, they didn’t give me a butler just some guy on work release from the big house.
I thank you all, don’t let the timbers and gas go to waste; roast away, you know you want to ;-P