Social Question

(NSFW) What are some good phrases or words used to express surprise, anger and such?
Stuff that isn’t modern swearing, mostly. Funny coming from me, huh? XD
But I’m looking for interesting or funny things that people say, or have said in past cultures, that may have been the equivalent of swearing today. I know a few of them, but I’m unsure if some of these were actually used or not. Material for the present time may also be used, if it isn’t something very common.
Examples are; ’‘Zounds!’’ ’‘What in tarnations?’’ ’‘Fiddlesticks!’’ ’‘Egads!’’ ’‘What the Devil?’’ ’‘Curses!’’ ’‘Damnation!’’
I’m not really interested in modern cute slang like, omigosh or what the heck, but rather, rare, unused expressions past and present. If you have some history of the expression and how it came to be, that would be interesting to learn. Hopefully the examples I gave help, but as I say, I’m not familiar with the history of these words, or if they were even used or not. Everyday swearing is also acceptable, as long as it isn’t something we all hear every day, like ’‘fuck sakes’’.
Also, offhanded, if you know the history of popular cuss words, feel free to instruct me. For example, I heard that the word ’‘fuck’’ originates from ’‘bugger’’, (or rather, the Hungarian version thereof) which means pretty much the same as it does now. But then again, I’ve heard many variations of its history, (as it originally being a German word) so I denno…So, what you got for me?