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[NSFW] What does satisfaction mean to you?

Asked by wundayatta (58741points) June 7th, 2011

Someone once told me that the only guy who ever satisfied her knew tantra and could make love for seven hours at a time. This made me wonder what satisfaction, sexually speaking, was for her… and for everyone.

I think our tendency is to think that an orgasm is the most satisfying culmination of sex. Yet I know plenty of women who say they don’t need an orgasm to feel good about it.

Most men seem to believe that orgasm is synonymous with satisfaction. The desire to continue making love tends to leave you at that point and you are ready to be nothing (usually asleep). Since that’s what does it for us, it seems natural to assume that it also does it for women. So we get hung up on this goal of making sure our woman has an orgasm.

For some reason, women seem to buy into this, even if it doesn’t matter to them, and they don’t tell us we don’t have to keep trying. Like they figure our little egos will be crushed if they say they don’t need it because we’ll deduce that we aren’t good enough to give them an orgasm.

Anyway, lot’s of stereotypes. What ways can you be satisfied, sexually? Do you communicate this knowledge to your partner? If not, why not? For men, in particular, have you ever been satisfied by anything other than orgasm? If so, what is it and how the hell did you get to be this way?

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