Social Question

Blackberry's avatar

Where does the clothing and attitude come from when people are involved in certain music genres (or any culture for that matter)?

Asked by Blackberry (34387points) June 8th, 2011

For example, fans of metal music having long hair and tattoos, or hip hop fans wearing larger sized clothing, or hippie clothing. Where did all these styles originate? How about bikers? Why aren’t bikers wearing dockers and polos lol? Where did the dockers and polos style come from? I know this is pretty vague, but any input is appreciated.

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9 Answers

Plucky's avatar

I think it originates from the originals (the most famous musicians and bands of all time). And it just stuck ..because people want to be cool like that.

With culture ..I think the styles basically come from necessity and availability of certain materials. Like your biker example ..leather protects bikers better than polo shirts do.

mazingerz88's avatar

Great question. With the biker look, I’m not sure whether part of the influence started with that Marlon Brando film, The Wild One and later on Easy Rider with Dennis Hopper and Peter Fonda. Is it art imitating life or life imitating art when it comes to leather jackets and bikes? I need to research on this.

Ajulutsikael's avatar

What’s funny is if people notice me and my tattoos they might think I’m into punk music, but I love oldies. I’m pierced and tattooed but I prefer oldies and classic rock, where I might fit into more.

marinelife's avatar

People follow the fashions that they like the look of, that say to them whatever they want said about them.

bkcunningham's avatar

The leather biker look comes from the fear of road rash. (It never ceases to amaze me to see people riding in flip-flops.)

The long-haired hippy look came out of the rebellious 1960s when college aged kids were going against the establishment. Most fashions and looks come out of environmental necessity. If you work or live in wet environments; you dress accordingly. Farmers dress a certain way because of the work they do on the farm.

Of course, everything becomes commercialized and branded and many young people tend to have a pack mentality and many buy what they see on album covers, magazines, television, movies, et al because it is “cool.”

The droopy pants people wear, I dunno, I’ve heard that is came from kids mirroring prisoners who aren’t allowed to use belts in their pants.

incendiary_dan's avatar

I thought the oversized clothes were akin to the old zoot suits; more fabric than necessary implies affluence.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Every culture has a beginning and a history and an evolution. People mark themselves so that others can figure out what their group membership is.

bkcunningham's avatar

I never heard that one @incendiary_dan. Have you ever heard of the Zoot Suit Riots? Very interesting.

ucme's avatar

I’ve always thought of this as being tribal culture, a feeling of belonging.
Personally i’d like to see bikers in a nice cocktail dress, riding side saddle, using a pair of killer heels as a kick stand, topped off with a nice summer bonnet ;¬}

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