Social Question

MilkyWay's avatar

(Possibly NSFW) Big butts or small butts?

Asked by MilkyWay (13911points) June 9th, 2011

I’m confused. What is seen as more attractive? Some girls get teased because they have too small an arse, whilst others worry if they’re bum looks too big in their jeans :-/
What goes on in the minds of you jellies? Being a girl, I’d really want you to clear this little question up. Big arse or a small one?

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60 Answers

meiosis's avatar

I tend towards the smaller, but still want to see some curves.

Blackberry's avatar

Society wants small and curvy butts, then there’s everything in between to 400lb butts and 90lb butts.

MilkyWay's avatar

Lol! Just to clarify, by small butts I don’t mean no curves.

ucme's avatar

As long as it’s big enough to park a bike in, but not a bloody tractor!!
In other words, same as the tit rule….a nice handful will do ;¬}

Cruiser's avatar

I am not into big booty.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I like the one’s attached to a girl with a good heart and gentle personality.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Once they get to the point that they span from the shoulderblades to the back of the knees I find them a bit too big, but anything less than that is cool with me.

Blackberry's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Awwwww. Now c’mon, say somethin’ dirty lol.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

A muscle-butt on a well built man is a thing to be holding behold. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry I’ll leave that up to queenie..:)

Jude's avatar

Like this.

One of my favorite events at the Summer Olympics. :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@johnpowell You realize I used to have some people that respected me? Love the dimples on the one lady.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Me? Say something dirty? ....(**Gives innocent look*)

marinelife's avatar

I like somewhere in between.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

No, I’ll let you decide if I should say something dirty.

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Chuckle.
I never said you couldn’t. It is NSFW… :P

Blackberry's avatar

@johnpowell Damnit, John. I can’t look at those.

filmfann's avatar

Big butts or small butts? I like somewhere in the middle.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

In an unusual display of restraint, I’ll go back to my first answer. If she’s a kind and gentle soul, I’ll take any ass I can get.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

I am a girl and I like big butts ;)

MilkyWay's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You’re an incredibly sweet chicken :P
LOL! Thanks for the answers guys :)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@queenie Yeah, that’s what every guy wants to hear. :)

Facade's avatar

She gotta donk
Disclaimer: I don’t support anything this fool does, but the song fits lol

OpryLeigh's avatar

I like a small, pert (toned) butt. I also like smaller boobs!

Jude's avatar

@Leanne1986 Me, too! (smaller boobs, I mean)

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @Blackberry most of American society wants small and curvy. It does vary of course by ethnicity, culture, nationality, and individual. I think pretty much a very flat ass, not to be confused with a small butt, is not coveted. The pear shape, where the bottom is much larger than the top, is not thought of as ideal either. Balance and proportion are key in my opinion, it is the entire package the woman presents.

America has moved more and more towards a little bit of a sway back and bigger bottom, even manequins in stores are more shaped this way, especially in the Miami areawhere the Latin American popuation is strong. In my zumba class the instructor talks about having a zumba butt, not sure if that means firm? Or, bubble? Or, what? The emphasis on sway back really bothers me. Of course some women are naturally like that, due to their spine, but it seems people don’t know what good posture is anymore? I don’t get it. And, young girls walk around hunched over? Bothers me. Bothers me because I think no one is telling them to stand up straight. But I digress.

Jude's avatar

Ooooo And, long, strong legs. I’m done.

Hibernate's avatar

Big ones but not that big ^^

creative1's avatar

I like the butt in this picture and the poem to go with it…PIC

zenvelo's avatar

Small for me. Kim Kardashian is not attractive to me at all.

mazingerz88's avatar

No butts. I seem to be under the impression/fantasy that a woman with a flat butt enjoys having sex so much that she has lost all that firmness and roundness with all that and that, you know, banging? And that is a major turn on for moi, beeyybb!! # )

TexasDude's avatar

As a 100% certified “ass man,” I’ll tell you that it’s not so much about size as it is about shape. I personally find an ass like Kim Kardashian’s to almost be like a hyperbolic, grotesque caricature of an ass. She’s certainly not fat, but it just looks bizarre to me.

I prefer them to be on the rounder side, but not hyperbolically large. Proportion counts. Flatness or a weird shape is a no go.

Scooby's avatar

As long as I can see over the top I’m ok :-/

meiosis's avatar

@johnpowell Thanks for that link, you’ve destroyed my productivity now ;)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

All women’s bodies are policed as sexy sometimes and not sexy enough other times (provided they’re relatively slim, we hate fat people). You can see in this thread alone how comfortable people are with obejctifying athletes’ looks and how their uniforms are made so revealing that this kind of thing can take place. People, in reality, like different kinds of bodies. The more important thing is that YOU need to like your butt and when YOU like your butt, you’ll find others who will too. This goes for all other body parts, whole body, personality, etc.

Plucky's avatar

If we are talking about just butts…nothing else… I like what @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard said. It’s more about shape and proportion for me and the jiggle effect. I like, larger than average, round bubble butts in general. It is difficult, for me, to not look at the whole person though (personality) ..along with the butt; it does make a difference.

mrrich724's avatar

I like both as long as there is a twat attached.

TexasDude's avatar

@mrrich724 a buttvagina? lol wut?

choreplay's avatar

I got nothing to add, @Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard beat me to it. Its more shape that counts. I love curves. The ski slope moving from the small of the back to the top of the Gluteus Maximus. Those womanly shaped hips.

6rant6's avatar

I can’t evaluate a butt on its own. How it fits in between waist and legs is important. How it moves. how the light…

What was the question again?

Ltryptophan's avatar

Machines ought to be tuned for performance!

Blackberry's avatar

@koanhead Oh my gosh, what a great example.

Garebo's avatar

Big, semi-firm and bubble is what I am currently fond of.

Ltryptophan's avatar

There once was an internet sensation that comes to mind. keyra agustina, if any of you would like to avoid lust, please avoid finding out who that name belongs to

ETpro's avatar

There is no accounting for taste. I can’t say anyone else is wrong to like what they like, but personally, I like a woman with a real butt. A defined waist and wide hips with nice, round and soft rear is to me the height of female sexuality.

jerv's avatar

Big enough to wiggle and shake, but small enough to be proportional to the body it’s attached to.

@koanhead I was thinking the same song, but you linked it first.

buster's avatar

Well I like a well rounded ass big or small on women but I do prefer bigger asses. I like some junk in the trunk. I like all boobies but I like bigger ones better but nice shaped perky ones get me excited too.

JLeslie's avatar

@jerv Wiggle and shake? Meaning, you don’t want it to be firm?

mrrich724's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard LOLOL, no. I mean, I like big and small as long as they are booties on women’s bodies . . .


jerv's avatar

@JLeslie Yes, but firm still moves. I don’t want something I will chip a tooth on.

sleepdoc's avatar

Maybe this doesn’t answer the question, but nice round and shapely

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