Does anyone know what is eating my flowers?
My dahlias are the only flowers affected in my garden.What could it be?
Here is a photo of the victim.
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23 Answers
Have you seen any Japenese beetles around??? They do damage such as this, and they are leaf hoppers so you don’t always see them eating the leaves since they fly. They also love Dalhia’s
@bkcunningham-hmmm…my hostas are unaffected,but maybe a tray of beer will get the Japanese beetles hammered… XD
@creative1 -
I had grubs in my lawn and those are the JB larva,right?
Those things freak me out!
@lucillelucillelucille Yes you are correct that they are the larva of the Japenese Beetle. Maybe the beetles think your dalhia’s are the salad and your hosta’s will be the main course later in the season
Do a search for the extension agency in the area where you live and then search for dahlias. I love those Hank Kimball extension agent types.
Thanks,you two!
I will be going on a murderous rampage soon.:)
Well, this bug obviously has quite exquisite taste. She won’t dine just anywhere. Oh no. She’s quite particular. It might be Sonia’s distant cousin.
Here is a thread on slugs and earwigs and what options you might have.
That doesn’t look like slugs, and they love hostas over everything else. But a beer couldn’t do any harm. Get me one too.
@Vunessuh-I think it is her! :)
@Cruiser-I don’t think it is a slug and have seen no earwigs
@jude-We do have alot of wabbits around here…
@Adirondackwannabe -What do you think it is?
It looks like a beetle or caterpillar did the damage. The clue is the entire side of one half leaf is gone. Slugs usually leave ragged holes.
@Adirondackwannabe -Would I be able to see the caterpillars on the leaves though?
I do not see any
I would think you’d see something. With that much damage you should see a few of the culprits.
That’s possible. Do you have any sticky traps? You might be able to catch some of the evil doer’s.
That might work. Give it a try.
I’ll vote for Japanese beetles, too. They devour our walking stick tree every year, and the leaves end up looking just like the photo you posted. Little bastards.
@ucme I will punt one through the goal posts if they touch my flowers again! ;)
Did some research. It might be stalk borers. You don’t see them, and they go for the leaves first, then go for the stems.
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