If we can ask up to three questions a day, should we do so every day?
Asked by
janbb (
June 11th, 2011
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30 Answers
No! I see too many that read like they’re there only to make the three Q limit. I much prefer when the Qs are well thought out, even the somewhat silly ones.
But then, I hardly ask any, so that’s my take.
Certainly not. Not to just to ask three questions. The quality of the site goes down.
My thoughts exactly although I am chuckling because just coincidentally, I have asked three questions today!
If you have enough time to spare you should ask them every day ^^
Only if they are good questions, well thought out, or something that you need to know. Heck even fun questions can be asked! But not to just ask three questions on a daily basis because you can. I am allowed only three withdraws a day from my ATM machine on my debit card, but I don’t use it unless it’s necessary.
I noticed a few people that pretty much go rapid fire on the questions once they can ask more. They will post three in a 15 minute period. Most of them aren’t very good.
NO!! Go to AB if you have question diarrhea.
There’s enough shit questions as it is without forcing people to come up with more.
No – I didn’t mean forcing people to; it just seems that some Jellies feel that they must judging by their questions.
Maybe they’re just extra inquisitive, and wish they could have more questions a day.
I could, if I felt so inclined, eat 3 giant bars of chocolate a day…..but do I wanna?
If anyone asks 3 great, thought provoking questions a day then good luck to them :¬)
@ucme They’re not always thought provoking, but still good – I wouldn’t call the questions asking how to remove paint from concrete to be really thought provoking, but they’re still a cornerstone of the site.
@MyNewtBoobs There was a distinction between great & thought provoking, both of which are equally welcome to me.
As long as you’re not asking every day if you might be pregnant, I’m prepared to give a lot of leeway.
If they were good questions, I wouldn’t mind. In fact, I might be a little envious of a mind capable of such productive output! But to ask three every day just for the sake of meeting a quota or something is… odd.
@WasCy but i’ve had unprotected sex with half a dozen people since yesterday. So I need to ask again!
I answer many fewer questions than I ask.
Most of the questions that occur to me have answers I can locate without asking them here.
The 3 question limit requires that we assess the quality of what we want to ask and choose the best questions with that limit in mind.
As @augustlan pointed out, few people are capable of devising more than three thought provoking, original question per day. Why would we want to compel people to ask three questions every day? We get numerous questions that fail to provoke thought provoking discussion.
As I said, I am not advocating that. It is my belief that some people seem to feel they must come up with three and that some of those three are pretty lame. There – I’ve said it.
I think it goes along with the attitude that “I must post on every Q simply because it exists, even if I have nothing of value to add”.
i wish I’d have asked this question ;) I feel some people have a personal quota and IMHO it appears that they are looking for some sort of validation from the process <leaves armchair Psy D for now>
NO! I wish some people wouldn’t.
I’d be happy if it was 1 per day. Then, after you’ve been here six months – 2 per day. On your one year anniversary, you can start asking 3 per day. A graduated system.
Of course all questions would still have to adhere to current guidelines and be modded (if necessary).
There are some fellow Jellies that do meet the quota every day and that are respected for their quality. We all have our personal opinions of what constitutes a ‘quality question’. Let the questions be asked and keep the restriction of three per day. It is easy to remove the ones that hold no personal interest.
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you hate poll questions?
I think we should all ask 1 serious question about pregnancy and then 2 “on a scale of 0–10” questions. Every day. Forever. And ever. Amen.
OK, my three questions for today:
1) Does he love me?
2) What does this dream mean?
3) Does god exist?
Am I covered?
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