Social Question

filmfann's avatar

Do you have a room that is just yours?

Asked by filmfann (52598points) June 11th, 2011

My wife has a sewing room. I have a television room.
These are not just rooms with one persons stuff in it. They are rooms we that are ours alone. My wife wants to reorganize my room, but she knows she can’t, because that room is MINE!
We also have our own bathrooms. Hers is fancy and frilly, mine is not. She would love to redecorate my bath, but she knows that is against the rules.
If you are married, or live together, do you have rooms like this?

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10 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

I live in my mom’s backyard. It is detached and about 50 feet from her house. It is pretty much like a little studio apartment but I have to go inside to do laundry or shower. But I have a toilet and sink and a bare-bones kitchen. I moved in last September and I don’t think she has ever been in here since I moved in.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I have an entire apartment that’s just mine.

Cruiser's avatar

Yes! Cruiser’s Cave…I am in there as I type. My enclave in my basement no one else is allowed in without knowing the secret handshake.

mazingerz88's avatar

My live-in girlfriend would not usually dare enter my own room filled with bones of slayed dragons and trolls and my Lazyboy. In her own room, there’s but one thing that represents my presence, a voodoo doll. : )

muppetish's avatar

I have live between two houses. At my house, I share a room with my younger brother and a bathroom with both of my siblings. There is no space in the house that is mine and just mine (at least our older brother has his own bedroom.) When I am over at my significant other’s house, even less space is my own because I practically live out of my backpack. I am welcome to make myself at home (and do so whenever I am here) but eventually, I have to pack up and leave.

As an introvert, I would love a room that was completely mine (preferably a library with an alcove where I could get some writing done.) For now, I’ll have to settle with sharing.

Jeruba's avatar

Yes. We have the usual common areas, and my husband and I share a bedroom, but each member of the family also has his or her own room. My husband and I each spend the greater part of the day in our own respective spaces, where we have our desks, computers, works in progress, and various amenities of our choice.

The older son’s room is destined to become a guest room because he is on his own now, but for the present it’s still “his.”

buster's avatar

I usually have a one bedroom apartment but earlier this month on June 2nd I got arrested and had to share a room at the county jail with 3 other dudes until I bonded out June 8th. I could’ve had a room that was just mine in the jail if I threatened suicide, or got thrown in the hole for something like fighting or throwing a cup of piss on a correctional officer

Jeruba's avatar

Off-topic question for @buster: What happens to your stuff when you get arrested and taken to jail? What happens to your apartment? How about the rent? Who feeds the cat? When you get busted, you don’t get any courtesy time to take care of things like that, right?

perspicacious's avatar

If I marry again I want to have at least my own bathroom, and maybe another room that is just mine for dressing, sewing, etc.

cazzie's avatar

I have my ´Mad Lab´. Seriously. I have a laboratory/workshop in the basement of my house. I´m still working on my evil laugh and have applied to the Evil League of Evil. I´d be lost without my Erlenmeyers and steriliser. I´m currently working on a less chemical, more organic/vegan version of Lush shower jelly. Not really bad ass enough for the Evil League of Evil, I guess. No one is allowed in my lab unless they want to be experimented on.

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