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Dutchess_III's avatar

What kind of person would find Spell Check "annoying"?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) June 11th, 2011

I’ve been on PM with a new, very young user trying to help her understand how important writing standards are on her. I offered to help her set up her Spell Check, but she said Spell Check was annoying so she didn’t want to use it.

Left me kind of scratching my head.

PS…is Spell Check supposed to be capitalized or not?

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27 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Spell check just used generically is not capitalized.

Why is it always the people who need it the most who will not use it?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Perhaps some people cherish their illiteracy and ignorance and resent software tools that highlight what they do not know?

JilltheTooth's avatar

I have noticed that many of the younger ones are focused on speed and feel that stopping to correct slows them down too much. Because many of their peers don’t care, neither do they. I think that they figure that not txtspking is ponderous enough.

poisonedantidote's avatar

An internet connection so you can visit – $20

“trying to help her understand how important writing standards are on her” – Priceless.


To answer your question, a lazy person. Spell checkers have improved my English 100 fold.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

Because maybe it’s annoying to her. I’m not saying spelling isn’t important, but annoyance often isn’t the most rational, logical thing, and if spell check annoys her, then it annoys her. I find the new Opera function in which, at the end of the page, it tells you to press the space bar to go to the next page. I think you may be mistaking her annoyance at an internet tool for a hatred of proper spelling, when they’re actually two different things, and just because tons of us love the spell check tool doesn’t mean she isn’t entitled to her opinion.

lloydbird's avatar

”...on her. ”?
Should that be ”..on here?”

nikipedia's avatar

I often find spell check annoying in scientific writing because it tries to correct words that are already correct. For instance, all the bolded words in these sentences are correctly spelled, but underlined in red by spell check:

Rats in proestrus also demonstrate significantly higher levels of hippocampal long-term potentiation relative to estrus (Warren et al., 1995) and diestrus females (Scharfman et al., 2003). However, estrogen’s enhancing effects are blocked when brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is blocked, such as by neurotrophin receptor antagonist K252a (Scharfman et al., 2003).

However, I’m guessing that’s not this person’s problem.

MyNewtBoobs's avatar

@nikipedia I find that annoying, too. I actually add a lot of words to spell check. And I find it interesting that Microsoft Word’s spell check knows Cnut, the Danish king of England in the 11th century, but not the more common “misspelling”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OF COURSE IT SHOULD BE “HERE”! That is funny….and it happens to me every single time! I’ll commit the very sin I’m trying to point out! Every. Time.

@nikipedia LOL! Prolly not!

I used to know a woman who was convinced she was spelling the words right, and spell check was wrong. Seriously! You can’t imagine what her emails were like!

The only time it annoys me is when it IS wrong. Like, it’ll try and tell me ‘could’ve’ is not a word or something. It probably thinks the correct version is “could of.”

I get tickled though, when a word I’ve always had a hard time spelling starts coming out right! Then it’s like a reward! :)

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I don’t know what kind of a person that is.

tedibear's avatar

I find having spell check on while I’m typing to be an annoying distraction. I would rather type and get my thoughts out, then go back and edit. Any time that I use Microsoft Word, or email that uses Word as its editor, I turn off the underlining feature. I then go back and run spell check to catch errors. Maybe that’s what she meant? Maybe she would be willing to type her answer and then go back to do spell check? But really, who wouldn’t want to make a good impression on a new website? Especially one with writing standards!

Aster's avatar

I don’t like it as I remember. It would say, “did you really want to spell it that way?” Well, yes I did. Or worse, they would question a spelling of a word that I spelled correctly. Now THAT is what I call annoying!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Simone_De_Beauvoir Three guesses!

No @tedibear. She flat said she didn’t need it because she was smart and knew how to spell and it was annoying. However, I think that at least one of her posts has been modded due to writing standards…but I’m not sure.

tedibear's avatar

@Dutchess_III – Ah, I understand now. Thank you. And no, I don’t know why she wouldn’t be willing to use it after being modded.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Most of the brilliant, off the charts intelligent people I have know us spell checkers because they make some typographical errors when they are preparing manuscripts for academic or creative purposes. They are not too smart to act smart!

Bellatrix's avatar

The default for the Word spell check is US English. I change it to Australian or British English but it reverts back to its preferred default regularly. I then have to change it again or tell it to ignore correct spellings according to British or Australian English. So, yes I can find spell check annoying.

Also, while I do understand and value the importance of correct spelling, I am not a spelling nazi. If someone drops the odd spelling or grammar error, I really don’t give a rats. Life is way too short. If I did notice an error and thought it was important (which would be a rare thing), I would tell them privately. I find it prissy to insist on pointing out every time someone makes an error and here on Fluther, I think a kinder way would be to do as you have @Dutchess_III (they can then take the advice or not) and privately try to help the person to set their spell check up or to flag the post so the person can correct their error without the public outing.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a typo or something in this post. Ho hum.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah, I get caught in errors, but I certainly don’t mind being told!

jerv's avatar

And this is why the facepalm was invented. And yes, “facepalm” is in my phone’s dictionary!

I think that @JilltheTooth nailed it; proper spelling and grammar take time and require thought, so they are seen as annoying.

_zen_'s avatar

Spell Check is rather annoying as it disrupts the chain of txtspk thought.

jerv's avatar

txtspk thought… isn’t that an oxymoron?

Dutchess_III's avatar

ZEN IN NOT A MORON! Take it back!

jellyfish3232's avatar

I find GRAMMER check annoying, because the computer says that my correct grammer is incorrect, and I can’t get rid of the danged thing.

nikipedia's avatar


jellyfish3232's avatar

That’s embarassing.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Softly LOLing here! Me makes that bad error for years before spell check! Hey! That’s the way it’s pernounced, right?!

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