When you have a dish with several vegetable ingredients in them, do you prefer the veggies finely chopped or in big chunks?
Generally I prefer finely chopped so they all blend together. Only exception is potato salad and crab salad.
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14 Answers
It depends on the dish. I like everything a uniform size generally.
If somebody else is making it they can do it any way they want and I will like it.
Me too @marinelife, but uniformly small or large? Or it doesn’t matter?
@woodcutter It’s not like I’ll complain or anything about how someone else cooks! But when I make my dishes I chop chop.
@Dutchess_III It depends. In chicken curry, I like bite-sizes pieces of vegetables and chicken all about the same size. Same with beef stew.
In sauces, I like the vegetables cut smaller.
You know, I don’t even know what chicken curry is….
I’m really not a fan of big chunks of anything. I prefer smaller bites.
With some vegies, the size of the piece determines how much of that flavor gets in the food so I choose accordingly.
Unless you are putting the ingredients through a blender or beater or cooking the hell out of it to obtain a uniform consistency, I view most dishes as a conglomeration of different flavors, textures and even colors and I feel each ingredient should stand up on its own, be recognized for its uniqueness in addition to how it contributes to the whole, so yeah, make mine chunky, please.
I love veggies to death, especially in their most original phase. So I love big chunks. Of course, big chunks that have been prepared don’t always taste like the veggie does without being altered, but many alterations are fantastic, anyways.
My taste buds have been destroyed long ago, so blends don’t taste like much to me, at least a lot of them.
I don’t have a real preference, it depends on the dish and the vegetables.
But I do have a fondness for whole vegetables. Adds a little bit of that hunter-gatherer touch to any dish.
It depends on how I am cooking it. If I can start the cooking of the veggies at different times, I will have them all the same bite size. If they all have to go into the pan at the same time, I cut the hard root veggies smaller so they cook faster. I donĀ“t like over cooked broccoli and undercooked carrots.
@fishybusiness btw…somethings get nothing but better when they have the hell cooked out of them!
@Dutchess_III : I agree. A hearty chili immediately comes to mind
(although I always garnish with very chunky fresh raw onion as the more finely chopped now cooked onion gave its all to the composite dish).
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