Social Question

Berserker's avatar

What do you do when you're bored?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) June 11th, 2011

When nothing immediate needs to be done, when all of your favourite things don’t seem all that awesome, and when you keep yawning but aren’t actually sleepy. What do you do? Go for a walk? Watch movies? Clip your toenails? Randomly surf the net or go fix something that should have been fixed ages ago?
I usually just go have a nap, or at least just lay there. What about you?

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29 Answers

Ladymia69's avatar

I think about doing all sorts of awesome shit….and then i watch a movie.

Cruiser's avatar

When all else fails me I Fluther of course!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Cruiser hit the nail on the head: I play on Fluther.

CaptainHarley's avatar

I usually either ride my Harley, or play online. : )

Kardamom's avatar

I think I am one of the few people who never gets bored. There’s always something to do, even after all of the chores are done: reading books (which is and endless supply) looking up recipes and cooking (which could last you a lifetime) rubbing my cat’s belly (which I could do until the end of time) organzing my millions of digital photos, going outside and taking photos, adding movies to my Netflix, catching up on my correspondence, writing, calling people on the phone, planning my next vacation. I just don’t ever get bored. I’m amused by small things, so that in and of itself is a great source of enjoyment to me. I don’t need blockbusting events to catch my interest.

I do get angry and frustrated and pissed off and depressed, but I never get bored

Blondesjon's avatar


i’m sure there’s a few of you that understand

fishybusiness's avatar

Drugs (although fluther has kept me occupied and sober for the last couple hours until moments ago when I first contemplated mixing the two).

Berserker's avatar

@Ladymia69…I hear that. ^^

@CaptainHarley Your Harley rocks. Had I one of those I’d never be bored lol.

@Kardamom That reminds me, about the digital photos…I could maybe organize all my pornography. It’s a mess. XD That’s cool though, that you always have something to do, or keep interested/occupied in/with. And I’m with you, fuck blockbusting events. :)

@fishybusiness What kind of drugs?

CaptainHarley's avatar


It is indeed very helpful! : D

Ladymia69's avatar

Organize that porn, girl! Time to get organiz-ized!

fishybusiness's avatar

@Symbeline : I limit myself to those that provide me benefit, even if its just some amusement, and of which I have some confidence in its quality and value, as long as the people I deal with are relatively fair. More often than not, that limits me to pot, although on occasion I’ve enjoyed a cornucopia of delights (all within personally reasonable limits, of course, and I don’t use them to avoid life, merely to enhance it).

Faidle's avatar

I go for a walk or a run. Read. Write. Sing. Listen to music. Take pictures of things.
Google never fails me. :)

Berserker's avatar

@fishybusiness Cool, I like that answer.

@Ladymia69 Yeah I…damn, gotta change the sheets. XD

@Faidle Reading is always good. Has saved me many times. :)

Faidle's avatar

Me too! :D

Bellatrix's avatar

I Fluther or I play cribbage online and watch my rating disintegrate or watch crap TV.

Berserker's avatar

@Bellatrix Fluther and cribbage beat TV by an immortal shot. I hate cable TV, and I wouldn’t watch it even if threatened with death. Join me! :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Do you play cribbage?? Really?? Excellent!

Berserker's avatar

I also love Scrabble a lot too. :)

Bellatrix's avatar

I am bad at Scrabble. I use words like dog and cat which apparently (according to my Scrabble playing husband) is bad. :-D

Berserker's avatar

ProTip; make shit up. :D

Bellatrix's avatar

Hmmmm I like that idea :D I have a great poker face. I will be able to convince him it’s a real word.

fishybusiness's avatar

@Symbeline & @Bellatrix: Cribbage?! I’ll take on the winner! (Lately, it seems, I’ve been dealt a lot of awesome Cribbage hands, unfortunately while playing poker; two pair in poker doesn’t compare to a double double run with the same cards in Cribbage; I can only hope the same occurs when actually playing cribbage!)

Bellatrix's avatar

Where do you both play?

Berserker's avatar

@fishybusiness Playing card game nerds…until you came along, I didn’t know they existed.

That’s a compliment. :)

FutureMemory's avatar

Masturbate of course.

efritz's avatar


Also play online games, organize my iTunes library, eat food, watch instantPlay on Netflix, play piano.

Kardamom's avatar

@Symbeline So I guess you will be spending some time with “pornganization” Ha Ha

Just be sure to wear rubber gloves, that’s dirty business

incendiary_dan's avatar

With my garden growing nicely, I often just putter around it and tidy up the mulch (it gets blown around a bit). It’s getting to the point where just about everything is planted and growing, so I guess I’ll need another hobby soon. I often walk around in the park near my house, and I still need to find the good foraging spots around, particularly ones that have a lot of cattails.

And of course, I Fluther.

Sunny2's avatar

I sit down and read. Unless what I’m reading is really exciting, I then fall asleep. . .sitting up.

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